Monthly Archives: May 2018

Graphic Novel

Here is my Graphic Novel that I made with Harry Brass. I finally finished it. We had some unfair moments where I did the boring work and harry did all the fun work like drawing. I only got to sharpie for most of the panels so I think this is a learning experience for me.

Capstone Interveiw and SIte visit

On Thursday May 24th, 2018, I did my expert interview. There was a dude named Johnny and he was a very nice dude. He answered all twenty of my questions and for each question, he explained even more than I wanted to though for some questions he couldn’t answer them. I copy and pasted all of the questions into a survey and I made some of the answers multiple choice. I also made some of the answers short response. Some student interns that came to our school took the survey and chloe(student intern) sent it to some of her friends so I am going to have a lot of surveys completed. Right now I have six surveys completed so I am on a good track right now(Atleast I think I am). I am thinking about my site visit now and I am thinking I should either go to a resturant and take notes on how many people were on their phones and if it was only adults or if it was kids or if it was adults and kids. I will also try to guess their ages and see the most popular age that are on their phones. I might also go to a food court and take notes there. I think that the food court will be better because there will probably be more people at the food court.

Field Trip Restruante

Today we went to a field trip to a Peruvian restaurant. I was sitting with Om, Leo and Marcello and leo’s mom. There were plenty of different dishes like lomo saltado, Pollo saltado, ensalada, and tallarin saltado. We had to try to only talk in Spanish. I said mucho gracias and por favor. I tried a new drink which is called chocho masato. Before the field trip, I thought I would like nothing but after the field tried I really liked it. I liked the food so much that I took some of the food to go. In the end I really liked the food and I hope I can go back there one day.

Passion Project Final!!!!

Here is my Passion Project!!!!!!!! This was a very fun project and I finally get to share it on my blog!! Hope you enjoyed and learned a lot

Passion Project #14

Today we finished our PASSION PROJECT. I finished rainforest. We added pictures and transitions to all of the slide. During the whole project, I learned a lot about animals and how dangerous they could be to humans. I am really happy that I started the project and I think this project was a big success. Now I have Capstone to worry about.