About mstaroselsky25

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Hi. I am doing well and trying not to be bored(I still am). I have started exercising more because I have more time.

Materials that I found.

While walking outside, I found a bunch of materials which included: Rocks, Branches, Dirt, and Mud. While I was walking inside, I found screws, screwdrivers, and knives. I also have rubber bands, paper clips, and toothpicks. Overall, I have a wide variety of materials inside and outside.

What I did during the days off (coronavirus)

During the days of I have been playing a lot of tennis. I also went to my cousins house and played soccer there. One of my favorite parts so far is being able to sleep in… I LOVE IT!!! Even though the coronavirus is a really bad thing, I am happy we do not have to go to school.

Blog Post #3

This week I measured the top and the bottom of my wood with 2 things: A normal ruler and a T-Square. The T-Square is basically a ruler but ten times bigger. It has no lines on it like a ruler does, and it helps with making a straight line. After I drew my lines which were 6 inches apart, I went to the mitre box saw and started cutting my wood. To be honest, it was A LOT harder than I thought it would be. The blades teeth kept on getting stuck in the wood and in the end, my hands were exhausted. Finally, we measured the length of the front/back and the 2 sides on another plank of wood and then we started cutting that. Overall, this week was the most fun and I wish to keep enjoying myself in Technology 7.



Week 2 Reflection

This is my second week of technology and I am having lots of fun. I made a TinkerCad design which was a keychain that said my name on it. I also took on the role as a designer and a builder. As a designer I designed my box which is 6 by 8 inches. After that as a builder I did a form that said what pieces of wood I needed. After that I used a hand planer. It was very satisfying to make wood curls. I learned that it is used to smooth a block of wood. It was the first time I ever used a wood planer and am excited to use it for my box project.

Blog post #1-Exploring wood tools

Yesterday I was practicing putting screws into the wood and making holes in the wood and I learned the best way to do that was to use the vise. First I would have to open the vise by turning it counter clockwise or otherwise left. After you would put the wood in, you would close or fasten it by turning it clockwise or in other words right. I realized that it is easier to make a hole with the actual screwdriver than the screw.



Tech post # 10 😿😭🤝👍🥽🥺

I started doing my automata. Today is the last day to finish. I am obviously not going to finish so i will go to lunch every day next week. I cut four little squares and glued them to the corners. I also cut circles and used the scroll saw to cut them out. It was scary, cool, and fun all at the same time. I really enjoyed technology and am sad to leave. Bi!

Tech post #9

I started doing my automata! I am going to make it a koala going up a tree and down. I am going to use a small wheel. I will start making the automata the next day. I got a box and around eight pieces of little cardboard. I am excited to start and have been waiting a long time to make it.

Tech #8

This blog post I will be discussing how I made my flashlight look like a strawberry!! I figured big black dots would make it look like a watermelon so I made little black dots because strawberries have little black dots. Big black dots would look like seeds of a watermelon. I am happy that at first everyone thought it was a watermelon because I improved on it.

Tech post #7

I colored my flashlight green on the top and red everywhere else. 1 out of 30 people said the flashlight looked like a watermelon. That was my first plan but after I saw somebody somebody else doing a watermelon and I didn’t want to copy anybody. So I made a strawberry. It doesn´t really look like a strawberry. Read my next blog to find out how I made it look likea strawberry.

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