Today in tech we learned all about the rules and how to stay safe while using all of the machines. Rule 1: Think before you act. This is a given. You don’t want to be doing dumb thing with power tools. You can get very hurt. Rule 2: Tie back long hair, No baggy clothes and dangling jewelry. You don’t want your jewelry or hair getting caught in your hair. That would hurt a ton. You may even die!! Rule 3: don’t assume you know how to use something before someone showed you. Someone may think that they know how to use something but they don’t and they end up getting hurt. Not fun. Rule 4: no talking while using power tools. Power tools need total focus, if you get distracted you may get hurt. Rule 5: always protect your eyes. You don’t want something getting in your eyes and then going blind. Rule 6: get permission before using a machine, inspect it and get instruction. You don’t want to get hurt. Rule 7: use all guards when using a machine, shut it off before making adjustments. Rule 8: never leave a tool unattended. Some one may bump in to it and get hurt. Rule 9: be cautious, things get really hot. If you touch something you will get burned. Rule 10: be carful with sharp things. You can cut yourself. Rule 11: always walk, never run. You may hit some one and they get hurt. Rule 12: always report getting hurt.