Rube Goldberg Reflection #6

This project left me with a lot of enjoyment, some mistakes and lessons learned. First of all, the enjoyable things about the project. One of which was to work with my friends. It might have not been a wise idea because they fool around at times….

Rube Goldberg Requirements #5

My group and I were striving to get the best grade as possible. But, as we started with the project, I noticed it was harder than it seemed. There were many different categories that you could get As on. We tried to picked out the…

Rube Goldberg Testing #4

Rube Goldberg is very fun, making, going to Walmart to get things, see it work! But then, there is testing. You test over and over and over again until it works. You also have to setup your giant Rube Goldberg again after every fail and…

Rube Goldberg Idea Problem #3

Another problem with my group was that we couldn’t come up with that many steps for the machine.  Well, that’s not actually true. We had plenty of ideas, too many in fact. We were having trouble implementing all these awesome ideas we had. Some were…

Rube Goldberg Group Problem #2

One of the other challenges we face was that not all my group mates were focusing on the project. Since we were working in my basement, there were a lot of tempting things to play with. Some of the group mates got distracted with all…

Rube Goldberg Material Problem #1

In school, I was assigned to make a Rube Goldberg machine. If you don’t know what a Rube Goldberg machine is, it is a complex chain reaction that mainly preforms a simple task. We got the ability to work in groups. We started with trail and…

Plant Experiment Reflection #3

My question was what would happen is we use hot water instead of regular water. My hypothesis was that the plant will grow normally but will die before the other plants because the body of the plant can’t withstand the heat. Every day we would…

Plant Experiment Reflection #2

My group’s question was: What happens to a plant when you add hot water to it? Our hypothesis was: If we give the plant hot water then it will grow the same but live a shorter life because the body of the plant cannot stand all…

Plant Experiment #1

I have been learning about plants. In my class we are doing an experiment. We had to change 1 thing that the plant needs. My group chose to get boiling water instead of normal water. I think that the plant with the hot water will…