Capstone: Answering My Main Inquiry Question #5

  During capstone I have to answer my main inquiry question because, it is a question and I want to know the answer. Speaking about answer down below is the essay with the answer to my main inquiry question:   My main inquiry question is…

Capstone: Main Inquiry Question and Sub Questions #2

For Capstone we weren’t allowed to just study a topic, in my case Mountain Biking. That was too broad. We needed a question to answer. There are many questions I could answer under the topic of Mountain Biking. So, I had to put my thinking…

Immigration: Reflection #5

This project had many different aspects. It was challenging in some ways and enjoyable in others. There were hard parts and also easy parts. There were also things that I would have done differently had I start again. And, there were also lessons learned. One…

Immigration: My Video #4

One of the biggest parts of my project is creating the video. So, I spent a good amount of time on it. I had to decide what to put on my slides and how to present them. Since I had to put content on my…

Immigration: Doing My Interview #3

  It was interesting to interview my mom as an immigrant. I learned new things that I didn’t know before. I was surprised by certain aspects that were new to me. I learned some new things about my mom. For example, I thought she would…

Immigration: Spark Video #2

We have to use Spark Video to make a video about our immigrant. Spark Video is a platform where you can make slideshows, graphics and more. I like Spark Video for many reasons. One reason I like it is that is simpler than Google Sides. Spark Video…

The Great Kindness Challenge

This week was the Great Kindness Challenge. If you don’t know what that is I will explain. The Great Kindness Challenge goes on for a week and during this week you have to take kindness a step further. Monday: On Monday, the first thing I…

Martin Luther King Jr.

Martin Luther King Jr., It’s a name we have all heard, but might not know why it’s so famous. I am here to explain. MLK (Martin Luther King) is someone of big words and someone who can motivate. At only 39 years of age he…

Cultural Universals Comic Book – Canada

In social studies, we studied cultural universals. These universals include: politics, social aspects, beliefs, economics and cultural arts. I worked with a partner to create a tour guide comic book on the cultural universals of Canada. Here is our final project. Hope you enjoy it….