Technology isn’t just electronic devices. Technology is something that solves a problem or helps people in their life instead of doing… or something invented to something new in our lives. My object is a glue stick it is neat because you can twist the top up so you don’t waste any glue. There’s still more on the bottom you can twist up when you finish the top of the glue stick. It spreads nicely and doesn’t make a mess that’s why we use it in school. Something that solves a problem that is not nature is technology. My object is technology because it solves many problems in our lives and it was invented by someone not nature. My technology solves that you don’t have to squeeze Elmer’s glue and make your hands hurt. You can use a glue stick and spread it on instead and keep your hands from hurting. It made life better by not having your hands hurt when you squeeze Elmer’s glue. My object is made of plastic. It’s light, hard, rigid, colored and rounded.