Designing and Building Rocket #1

Designing our rocket was hard. We couldn’t always agree on what our parts of the rocket would  look like. Half our group wanted long fins and the other half didn’t want that. But someone in the group was always messing around and stuff so it was very hard to work. 

We had a pointy nose cone so that the air hits off the top and helps it glide better. We had a skinny body because it will shoot up instead of slowing down with the wider tube. We also had 3 fins because it will help with stability and the fins will help the fins stay in the direction the rocket is launched in.

Building our first rocket also took a lot of time and we didn’t know exactly how to build it like what materials and stuff. We didn’t know what color it’d be and what tape we’d use for the rocket and what color the fins would be and stuff. We had to always vote while building our rocket. We didn’t very much get long. But in the end our rocket turned out great and the launch was successful!

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