While doing rocketry I learned a lot. One thing I learned is the engineering design process. Ask, imagine, plan, create, improve. First you have to ask yourself what, why, and how. Then I learned that you can’t just start building you have to brainstorm and imagine what you want it to look like. Then plan your design and start building. After we launched we did the same process but we knew what went wrong so we could improve! The engineering design process is a very important process to do when building your rocket and it definitely helped me.
I also learned about rockets, thrust, drag, lift, all the stuff you need to know to understand a launch of a rocket. Thrust is the amount of push a rocket engine provides to the rocket. Drag is an aerodynamic resistance to the motion of the object. Lift is a side force used to stabilize and control the direction of flight.
One important thing I also improved about is teamwork, you don’t always get your way and that’s how it is. Because my team argued a lot I learned a lot from it and it reflected on me in a good way. Not every team is perfect I learned, even though my friend was on my team.
My favorite thing in the unit was building our rocket and practicing our rocketry presentation. While practicing our presentation I thought it was really fun. It was very entertaining too to practice. Though I spent a lot of time practicing, I still enjoyed it. I thought building our rocket was fun because doing the measurements of where the fins would be, making the nose cone, and hot gluing was super fun!
In all I think the rocketry unit was a blast and I would totally do it again if we could, but maybe a little switch up for the teams because my team argued a lot but otherwise it was a super cool experience!