So far Capstone is great! I’ve got my interview done, and all my research, everything is going pretty well altogether.
My teacher helped me find someone to interview, I had two choices. I just picked one randomly. I had picked Lulu Bakery. The chef/partner Victor was the person I interviewed. For the interview, my parents and I sent out my questions for them to prepare ahead of time and we set up the date and time.
On Friday afternoon we finally did the interview and we called, we introduced ourselves, and I asked him the questions. The answers were definitely different than I thought they would be and it was cool to hear how they made their cakes. I thought it was very interesting and I was excited to hear all the answers. Everything is so exciting about Capstone especially the interview because you get to talk to an expert!
During the interview, I had a recorder, and a backup recorder, a pen, blank paper for writing on, my paper with the interview questions, and my computer so I could remember what I would say in the beginning and the end.
After the interview was done, I transcribed the interview onto a Google Document and I pasted it on my Capstone Note-Taking Slides. The interview was definitely a success and I got lots of information and enough information.
One surprising thing I learned was that to make the cakes, bakeries need giant tools, especially an oven, mixer, and pots. Victor said the mixer was half the size of a car! That’s pretty big! Imagine how many they have, they must have a big kitchen! Something else that was interesting is that the mixers each cost about $20,000! If they had a lot of mixers it must be very expensive!