I tried to kind of do like a shopping theme there. I said what was your favorite clothing store, and what’s your favorite piece of clothing to buy there? After you answered the question it would say something like oh I love “name of the store” too! Or, Cool, I heard their “name of piece of clothing” are really good! It would respond using the answer they put in usually.
One thing challenging was trying to do the command, show(“I love * + piece of clothing too”). I tried it and it said there was an error so I just gave up and did something else instead of saying that.
I only found it a tad bit difficult because like figuring out which purple or red command to put was a bit tricky and getting the commands right so they worked was a bit tricky too.
I thought it was really fun too. Answering the questions and it was really cool how it could just ask you a question and you can answer with some simple coding!