In our class we reading “Stargirl” by Jerry Spinelli. This book is really interesting, especially because it is social issues. From my opinion I think that this book doesn’t seem like it’s social issues. I think that Stargirl is an interesting character to study. She is very cheerful and today while we were reading I found out about a relationship. It’s that Stargirl might like Leo the narrator. Hillary is a popular girl and used to have the power, but now Stargirl has most of the power. This book is really good and I will read the sequel after we finish the first.
Category Archives: Reading
Only One You – A Book Response
Follow The Path To Your Heart
After we read Only One You I started thinking this book makes me think about my six word memoir more deeply. It means if you want to be the non-conformist and do something other then you want to because your heart desires that you can do that, You don’t have to conform because you have a choice of being a non – conformist and follow what your heart desires and not what somebody else’s heart desires.
Being different doesn’t mean being mean or looking different or having a different kind of life. It also may mean being a person that stands up for what they want or taking a different direction to what that person wants. You can follow the path to your heart and be a good difference not a bad difference. This book doesn’t only want you to be a good difference but make the world better by doing the things you want. Ex. If you really want to be a scientist but everyone else laughs at you, when you grow up and become a scientist your making the world better.
Be who you want to be not what they want to be.