Blog Post #7

This week we were doing cranks. Basically a cam but with a bunch of added stuff inside. It was as hard as a cam, like it took the same amount of time but it was just annoying to cut more parts and wait for more glue to dry. Actually, I did save a little of time because I partly knew what I was doing cause we already did the cam. Overall, I did like doing it but it got stressful when I couldn’t like do it correctly sometimes. I wouldn’t do it again but it was a good experience.

Swift Playgrounds #4

Basically, I did my subject about Social Studies kind of because it asked “Where are you from” and then I did a little question with an answer. It was really hard to do it all because it kept saying error and everything. But most of the project I looked at the template and it helped me a lot. I was really confused on how to do the question and answer because I’d never done it before.

Swift Playgrounds #2

The last level I did was across the board. It was a level in the shape of a box and there were gems everywhere you went. You had to create a function to make it easier to get the gems. Sometimes it was hard to predict where byte was going go with your code. Because if it only goes forward once and turns right, it might go in a zig zag and I thought that was just confusing. It was in the category of functions. Functions is like making a shortcut so that you don’t have to keep saying move forward so much or turn left a lot anymore. I think functions help a lot.


Spreadsheets: Wellness Log

I added a table and then I added the days of the week and the different activities. To do a formula you have to go to the totals column and then you do the (=) equals sign, Then put in your numbers, and it should look like (=81+12) and then you can click out of the box and the answer will be right in front of your eyes in the box. I think I would do the spreadsheet for like how much money I spend on random things from amazon on a week or how many times I almost sleep in and miss zooms.

Blog Post #3 Plants Post



We pollinated the plant on Wednesday last week. We pollinated it about 5 times already.  When we pollinated the plant did nothing but a few days later… There were seed pods!!! The change of the plant wasn’t very big but it was exciting. The only change was the seed pods but we have 3 of them! When our teacher pointed it out we were super duper excited! Awesome right? One of them is big now. Not as huge as an actual seed pod but big.


The biggest manipulated this week was cell 1, 17 cm. The smallest manipulated is cell 10 cm. They look not so big, but when you measure it it is real big it would be probably the same height as a colored pencil. The colors of the plant are yellow for the flower and green for the stem and leaves. Most flowers are dead I don’t really know why but it started a few weeks ago. We are pretty sad about that.


Next week I predict that we will have a huge seed pod! Hopefully bigger then our gardens. I think more plants are going to die this week, especially our manipulated because it’s only getting a drop of water a day. Next I think more flowers are going to bud too and more seed pods.