It was a beautiful day when we starting working. The air was fresh, the sun was out, but it was still cold. We already have the materials to build. The cobbler’s house is turning out quite pleasant. The town seems dreamy and very cozy indeed. I’m so excited to live in our brand new big house. The grass started growing! It’s very lush and green and has very many flowers. The rivers are very beautiful too. The ocean is at it’s very blue. My wife gets to do most decorating, in fact most of the women too. Men do all the house building, courageous women do some building too. Emma asked me earlier if she can build. What a dog! I told her definitely no, she is way too young and she should be playing in the fields with her friends. Anyway, the building went fine. Everyone is fine and nothing was broken while fixing things.
Category Archives: Writing
The Reason I Chose My Passion Project
I chose to write about why people should not get rid of plastic straws. Plastic straws give me lots of memories, and whenever I use plastic straws I have a flashback of the old times. So plastic straws hold a bunch of good but old times and they are memorable. Even though people are saying we should get rid of them because it may pollute our world because we can’t break it into pieces and it would be horrible for our environment. Plastic straws are fun, I also hear the slurping sounds whenever I finish my drink, It’s fun to hear that sound. Sometimes we have to have fun with the things we have like plastic straws, what happens if we find a way to not pollute our earth with plastic straws. Some places are getting rid of plastic straws and replacing the with paper straws. I think paper straws will get soggy then it will turn gross and then we can’t reuse them. If we can’t reuse them, then we are just wasting paper, and paper comes from trees so that would mean we are cutting down tree for just the tiniest that we can’t even reuse. So it is better to keep plastic straws and I want to write about this to make a stop from changing plastic straws into another kind of straw.
CU Blog Post Comic Book – Australia
We went to the library for our topic Australia. We also went to the Heathcote library database page. We mostly used Fact Site (Fact Site123) and WorldBook. We took 2 -3 days of researching. We had found a lot of information from the databases and books. Some information we knew already. The 5 Cultural Universals are Politics, Social Aspects, Economics, Beliefs, and Cultural Arts. Plus one that isn’t really a Cultural Universals, Basic facts. The name of our book is “All of Australia”. We thought of that name and we thought it was creative. My favorite part of the project was making our characters. I think doing that was really fun. I used tips and tricks to make my character. I really liked the bows in my hairs. I also didn’t add parts of me but I still think I am cute. I found challenging finding the Rugby and Cricket information. Also for me it was hard researching. I also thought what was challenging is finding twice as much information as some other people that worked solo, because my partner and I both had to have information in our speech bubble.
Maglev Post #3 (The Final One)
Our first track design was the track used 11 magnets, 3 strip. 8 rings. For our vehicle we used 7 Magnets altogether. 2 strip magnets and 5 ring magnets. 2 on the edges and the 5 ring magnets in between.
One of our problems was our vehicle keep on tilting to both sides, back and forth. So we had to align our magnets to one centimeter away from the edge of the paper. So we did that a centimeter away form the edge of the paper for the track and vehicle so it would be equal and not tilt. Another problem was that the disk magnets did not work at all. We tried and it didn’t levitate as high as the final and second one.
Our final design was simple it had 2 magnets on each edge. On the vehicle it had 1 magnet on both edges like the track. But only with 2 strip magnets altogether on the vehicle. Altogether strip magnets on the track was 4. So in all we had 6 strip magnets for our final design.
Our thoughts and feelings were basic. We were sad/mad when I tried putting ring magnets on top of the vehicle, I thought it would levitate higher. We were happy when it all aligned right. It was surprising for me because I thought the second time we did the maglev train (Maglev Post #2) was kind of better than this time to be honest.
This is a birds eye view, google drawing for our maglev train.
Technology Is…
Technology isn’t just electronic devices. Technology is something that solves a problem or helps people in their life instead of doing… or something invented to something new in our lives. My object is a glue stick it is neat because you can twist the top up so you don’t waste any glue. There’s still more on the bottom you can twist up when you finish the top of the glue stick. It spreads nicely and doesn’t make a mess that’s why we use it in school. Something that solves a problem that is not nature is technology. My object is technology because it solves many problems in our lives and it was invented by someone not nature. My technology solves that you don’t have to squeeze Elmer’s glue and make your hands hurt. You can use a glue stick and spread it on instead and keep your hands from hurting. It made life better by not having your hands hurt when you squeeze Elmer’s glue. My object is made of plastic. It’s light, hard, rigid, colored and rounded.
Maglev Post #2
We did a lot of things that worked including we only used strip magnets because the discs didn’t work as well. We put 1 magnet on each side like a normal train track, but no magnets in the middle. We had to keep on putting more magnets on top of each other. On the train we only put 1 magnet on each side and not 2 or 3 on each side because it would be to heavy.
We didn’t fail a lot, yesterday we didn’t have anything good so we restarted. Then first try we thought of something good. We learned that we needed more magnets to make it be more stable.The changes that we made was that we should put more magnets on the track since we had all together on the track, 2 magnets. So we upgraded to have 3 stip magnets on each side of the track.
Our goal is to move into the improve phase by putting more passengers in the cup and if it falls then we will upgrade the track again, until we have about 20 – 30 rocks that stay on.
Maglev Train Post #1
A Maglev train is a magnetic levitating train, it is levitating from magnets on the train and track. That’s why it’s called a Maglev train. On the train bottom of our design, there are 2 strips on the top and bottom of the bottom of the train, there are 5 magnets in the middle too. On the track there are 3 strips on on the middle on on top and one on the bottom. There 8 ring magnets altogether. 4 magnets in between each strip magnet.
Nothing worked, and part of our track failed. The train magnets would attract to the track magnets and tip over and attract to the side of the magnet. Also we had to keep taking the tape off and keep putting it on. It was pretty confusing.
The experience wasn’t very good, though we got inspired by other groups that had a success. We tried and tried, It wasn’t successful still. It was really challenging there were tape scraps everywhere. Before we had started we taped down the track, so our arms were crunched in the box when we all tried to work on the track taping down the magnets. The The experience with my group was fine, it was kinda hard because there were only 2 jobs, track and train. But we helped each other so it was fine.
My Expert Book – Becoming an Expert on Slime
This book is about slime. I thought about slime because I know a lot a about it and that is useful for expert books. I have lots of slime, I play with it all the time and that got me into slime. I always want to make and buy slime so slime was a perfect thought. I researched a little at home too, I learned a lot in the process of this slime book. You probably will learn a lot in this book. There so many facts, you’ll probably want to make slime after you read this or you’ll want to buy slime. Many people make homemade slime, but some slime ingredients are dangerous. I learned a lot while writing this with all the writing techniques and the lessons I learned but I went baby steps, and it lead me to this finished book. Which to me looks perfect! I went very slow when we started the unit, but when I started seeing that barely anything was typed down I thought Wow! I need to start typing more. So I caught up with some work at home and school, I worked for an hour on this once! I finished way before I thought I would because I was behind. I enjoyed making this and hopefully you will enjoy reading this book!
Reflection on Persuasive Writing Experience
My persuasive speech was everyone should see the Radio City Rockettes. I learned how to talk to my audience, to write problems and solutions, convince my audience, and gather evidence and learn how to categorize and organize. I learned to talk to my audience, and that made me feel that people would get persuaded even more. It really helped my speech to be stronger and more persuading.
After watching the video I thought it was really good and is strong in words and reasons. I know it persuaded my audience. To make my audience more persuaded I should have added some hand motions to really make my audience more persuaded, looked at the camera, stopped mumbling, speaking louder, having a happy expression and have as happy tone with a smile on my face.
Breaking My Arm
When we got to my house I walked out of the car and said, “I’m hungry! ”at the same time as my friends.
So we dashed into the house. We had finished our snack.Then we thought about what would we do next?
Maybe an imaginary race! We got it! We got scooters & bikes. AA got my scooter and rode it and I got my bike. G was the person that said 3…2…1…GO!
AA went first. She won! I decided to keep the RingPop in my mouth since I wasn’t finished with it.
I was up next! 3…2…1..GO! “Too much speed.” I said. Boom! I crashed into a stone. My RingPop had fell out of my mouth and onto the ground! My knee had a scar. My arm hurt. My face had fell onto the ground. I cried so hard I couldn’t stop! My heart was pounding! “Thump, Thump, Thump.”
“Are you okay!” my babysitter asked as she came to me.
”No!” I replied.
She walked up to me and lifted me off the ground. AA & G left.
I walked into the house. My babysitter helped me.
My sister came rushing down the stairs.”What happened?”questioned my sister.
”I crashed on my bike!” I had said.
“Poor baby!”
That night,I had shaked and wiggled out the things that hurt out of my body and told myself, “Tell Mom!” I said in a rough voice to myself. I grabbed my phone and went in my mom’s room.
After I talked to her I felt comfortable. I had totally got all the wiggles out! I laughed. It was hard to believe, but my arm barely hurt! “Yay!” I said.