Swift Playgrounds #2

The last level I did was across the board. It was a level in the shape of a box and there were gems everywhere you went. You had to create a function to make it easier to get the gems. Sometimes it was hard to predict where byte was going go with your code. Because if it only goes forward once and turns right, it might go in a zig zag and I thought that was just confusing. It was in the category of functions. Functions is like making a shortcut so that you don’t have to keep saying move forward so much or turn left a lot anymore. I think functions help a lot.


Spreadsheets: Wellness Log

I added a table and then I added the days of the week and the different activities. To do a formula you have to go to the totals column and then you do the (=) equals sign, Then put in your numbers, and it should look like (=81+12) and then you can click out of the box and the answer will be right in front of your eyes in the box. I think I would do the spreadsheet for like how much money I spend on random things from amazon on a week or how many times I almost sleep in and miss zooms.

Swift Playgrounds 3

I tried to kind of do like a shopping theme there. I said what was your favorite clothing store, and what’s your favorite piece of clothing to buy there? After you answered the question it would say something like oh I love “name of the store” too! Or, Cool, I heard their “name of piece of clothing” are really good! It would respond using the answer they put in usually.

One thing challenging was trying to do the command, show(“I love * + piece of clothing too”). I tried it and it said there was an error so I just gave up and did something else instead of saying that.

I only found it a tad bit difficult because like figuring out which purple or red command to put was a bit tricky and getting the commands right so they worked was a bit tricky too.

I thought it was really fun too. Answering the questions and it was really cool how it could just ask you a question and you can answer with some simple coding!

Tynker Music Video

I chose Rebeccas music video because I thought it was interesting with all the actors and the actors keep changing costumes and I loved the music.

i love all the actors in Rebeccas music video. It was better because there were so many. It’s fun that do many are moving too and walk forwards and the witch is spinning.

the music is also very nice. Its kind of like drums and reminds me of Halloween with the witch and the music too. The animations are so cool too. I think she did the really quick costume change animation where it makes the character move. Over all her project is really good.

All About Me Blog Post

For my All About Me Tynker project. I decided to only do two of my interests because those were the ones I am most interested in. I chose softball and reading. I didn’t do any sounds but I did do a speech bubble and lots of animating. I made my characters walk forward. I probably used about 4 move blocks even though it looks like I used about 10! The actors I used were in the city category. I tried to use people that looked a little like me, especially with the hair color! MY actors were also things that I liked. The softball was an actor and I tried to make it look like I threw it across the baseball field, which was the background. After “I” left the stage to go after the softball, another actor as “me” again with books. Overall I think this was a fun project.

Computer Science Is Changing Everything

Computer science isn’t just coding, it is something you use, wear or see in your everyday life. For example, take; fashion. Not only is it designing a perfect dress or finding out how long the dress is going to be, it needs computer science too. You can find computer science almost anywhere. In the video, it said computer science was used for art! You thought you’d never find computer science in art, right? But you need it to program your art. Even movies use computer science. In the movie, “Finding Nemo”, there was a specific scene where computer science was used. Do you know how all your teachers say that you need to learn math because you’ll need it for almost everything when you’re older and get a job? Well, that goes for computer science too. Knowing computer science is going to help change the world into a better place.

Capstone Blog Post #3

Capstone was very hard. Especially while I was doing my final video, I was stressing a lot.

After I did my slides, I started to practice my script and it was very tough. I practiced about 4 slides a day and I filmed on Sunday. The filming took a few hours to get it right. I kept thinking, “I should’ve done a Spark Video,” or I thought “Maybe a screencast?” But honestly, I’m proud I did a TED-Talk because I find it the most challenging and I took it. It may have taken me forever to do Capstone, but it’s ok because I can look back and see all the hard work I put into Capstone and it shows me I can work harder.

Answering my main inquiry question was complicated. There are many steps to becoming a successful baker so, of course, I have to break it all down. Some of the steps are, having the right tools, having the best ingredients, making sure your treats look good, all that because that’s what makes people want to buy your cakes and then you become successful. 

I believe overall, Capstone is a great learning experience. My advice to future fifth graders starting Capstone would be even if it’s hard, keep going, because, in the end, you’ll see how good your Capstone will turn out!


Capstone Blog Post #2

So far Capstone is great! I’ve got my interview done, and all my research, everything is going pretty well altogether.

My teacher helped me find someone to interview, I had two choices. I just picked one randomly. I had picked Lulu Bakery. The chef/partner Victor was the person I interviewed. For the interview, my parents and I sent out my questions for them to prepare ahead of time and we set up the date and time. 

On Friday afternoon we finally did the interview and we called, we introduced ourselves, and I asked him the questions. The answers were definitely different than I thought they would be and it was cool to hear how they made their cakes. I thought it was very interesting and I was excited to hear all the answers. Everything is so exciting about Capstone especially the interview because you get to talk to an expert!

During the interview, I had a recorder, and a backup recorder, a pen, blank paper for writing on, my paper with the interview questions, and my computer so I could remember what I would say in the beginning and the end.

After the interview was done, I transcribed the interview onto a Google Document and I pasted it on my Capstone Note-Taking Slides. The interview was definitely a success and I got lots of information and enough information. 

One surprising thing I learned was that to make the cakes, bakeries need giant tools, especially an oven, mixer, and pots. Victor said the mixer was half the size of a car! That’s pretty big!  Imagine how many they have, they must have a big kitchen! Something else that was interesting is that the mixers each cost about $20,000! If they had a lot of mixers it must be very expensive!

Capstone Blog Post #1

We are starting a unit in social studies… Capstone! My topic is Baking, and my main questions is, “What are the top ten things a baker needs to be successful?” I chose that as my main inquiry question because lots of beginners in baking don’t know what to get for baking or even how to bake, so I decided this will help people out and it’s also important to know how to be successful when you bake. 

One thing that was challenging was choosing the main question.  I was trying to think of one, but I couldn’t think of any questions and that was probably the hardest part till my teacher helped me and I got, “What are the top ten things a baker needs to be successful?”  I am not good at thinking of things in general but with a little help I’m ok. Capstone is challenging to me because it requires thinking of many questions, and I am not very good at that! As a learner I learned you have to keep trying and take your time, don’t rush otherwise your work will come out sloppy and your research may not be true because you were rushing.

Martin Luther King Jr. Blog Post

This Monday is Martin Luther King Jr. day. We celebrate it to honor him and his many achievements. In school we are learning about him and his “I have a dream” speech. I think he is one of the most important people of the U.S. and I also think he is also underrated sometimes. He made many movements and made lots of speeches too. I think he deserves more attention. I also feel like people just take his holiday for granted because school is closed and kids don’t even care. Mostly because kids don’t even know him. Schools should teach about him in the early grades so they can reference him as they become older.

Martin Luther King Timeline 

Date Event
January 15th, 1929 Martin Luther King Jr was born in Atlanta, Georgia
1944  Started to go to Morehouse College
1948 Became a pastor at his father’s church
1948 He started to go to Crozer Theological Seminary, religious school
1951 Began studying at Boston University
1953 Married to Coretta Scott
1954 Moved to Montgomery, Alabama with his wife and had a job as a pastor
1957 He joined the NAACP and talked about convincing colored people to join and fight
1957 Joined other colored religious leaders to form SCLC, he began doing peaceful protests
October, 1960 Briefly jailed for joining a group of students at a sit-in
1963 Nationwide civil rights movement across the country
April 12th, 1963 Arrested again with civil rights leader, Ralph Abernathy
April 16th 1963 He wrote a letter from Birmingham Jail about racism
August 28th, 1963 I Have a Dream speech
April 4th, 1968 Shot and died by James Earl Ray while talking to fellow protestors on his balcony
April 9th 1968 Martin was buried in Atlanta