Blog Post #2 Plants Post

Blog Post #2 Plants Post


Our plants have grown so much over the weeks.  We have been doing this for 14 days. The tallest controlled plant is 16 cm, It is green and the size is still pretty small. But definitely not super small. It is cell 3 controlled. The smallest is 9 cm from this week is is green too and it has no buds. Yesterday the tallest controlled was 15 cm. The day before the tallest controlled plant was 14 cm. A week before the tallest was 13 cm. The smallest last week was 4 cm. It was small. But not as small as the first week where the shortest controlled 1 cm.  


The tallest manipulated is 15 ½  cm from June 5th. The tallest from the day before was 15 ½ cm. It hadn’t grown at all. The tallest from the day before that was 14 cm. The smallest from June 5th was 8 cm and just a few buds like 4 of them. Most of our manipulated and controlled are growing buds or flowers. But one thing is bad news : They are dying!! The flowers are all flopping down. I couldn’t believe it when I saw what happened the other day. Also we actually pollinated our plants! All we did was touch our fingers on the flower to get pollen on it and touched it on the other one for both manipulated and controlled.


I think that the flowers started to flop down because we only added 1 drop of water to each cell. It was kind of like my hypothesis. My hypothesis was If we only add 1 drop of water to our manipulated plant it won’t be as tall because we only added one drop of water. But I said it wouldn’t be as tall and not the flowers would flop down. Maybe it happened also because there wasn’t enough lamp light?

Colonial America – pt 2 – Persona

My name is Scott Hannie Peterson. I am a male. Now I am 20 years old. I live with my wife and daughter. We are a very happy family and live on a plantation. My backstory started when I was 17 I married a women name Jeanie. She was a kind person. I knew I would live with her forever but then she killed a woman named Maggie Anderson’s husband. His name was Jeffery. I told Maggie I was very sorry and divorced Jeanie, from this day on I will never forget her and what she did. Then a while after I met a woman in a store named Maggie Anderson, I didn’t know it would come to this day to meet her and marry her, but I did marry her. I made a decision that I would marry her and wouldn’t betray her. A few months later we had a daughter, we named her Emma Peterson. We were happy we had a child. Almost a year later my parents decided to give my wife and I full ownership of the plantation in the Southern Colonies. So we moved there and started a brand new life with many different people that were strangers to us at first but they are now our family. We live with our slaves, cooks, and maids. We enjoy are life very much and are very happy to be a wealthy family.

My job is all about being fierce and taking ownership of my colony. I work hard and still play with my children. My wife also helps me feed the slaves after dinner, manage my colony, get to all my meetings and more. As a plantation owner I tell people what to do, it’s almost like I control them! My people are hard working and do not disobey my laws and rules. If they do they get a punishment, it’s on the charter. It’s hard being a plantation owner. Whenever someone needs to tell me a complaint it stresses me. I still hang out with my family and have fun. We have christmas parties and invite others. We like to eat gourmet meals and enjoy having banquet dinners.


Colonial America – pt 1 – Overview

We are doing a project about Colonial America. 8 people in each colony. There are 3 colonies. Each person in a colony has a role/job. From blacksmith to plantation owner. After we figure out more about our jobs and relationships we are going to “build” a colony out of cardboard. The colonies were… Southern, Middle, and New England. We made charters and maps already. Our teacher doesn’t help us much so we can do this on our own. She throws obstacles like hurricanes or native attacks and we have to solve it. Group work is going to be hard because a lot of people won’t back down on their idea.


In our class we reading “Stargirl” by Jerry Spinelli. This book is really interesting, especially because it is social issues. From my opinion I think that this book doesn’t seem like it’s social issues. I think that Stargirl is an interesting character to study. She is very cheerful and today while we were reading I found out about a relationship. It’s that Stargirl might like Leo the narrator. Hillary is a popular girl and used to have the power, but now Stargirl has most of the power. This book is really good and I will read the sequel after we finish the first.

Only One You – A Book Response

Follow The Path To Your Heart


After we read Only One You  I started thinking this book makes me think about my six word memoir more deeply. It means if you want to be the non-conformist and do something other then you want to because your heart desires that you can do that, You don’t have to conform because you have a choice of being a non – conformist and follow what your heart desires and not what somebody else’s heart desires.


Being different doesn’t mean being mean or looking different or having a different kind of life. It also may mean being a person that stands up for what they want or taking a different direction to what that person wants. You can follow the path to your heart and be a good difference not a bad difference. This book doesn’t only want you to be a good difference but make the world better by doing the things you want. Ex. If you really want to be a scientist but everyone else laughs at you, when you grow up and become a scientist your making the world better.

Be who you want to be not what they want to be.


The Reason I Chose My Passion Project

I chose to write about why people should not get rid of plastic straws. Plastic straws give me lots of memories, and whenever I use plastic straws I have a flashback of the old times. So plastic straws hold a bunch of good but old times and they are memorable. Even though people are saying we should get rid of them because it may pollute our world because we can’t break it into pieces and it would be horrible for our environment. Plastic straws are fun, I also hear the slurping sounds whenever I finish my drink, It’s fun to hear that sound. Sometimes we have to have fun with the things we have like plastic straws, what happens if we find a way to not pollute our earth with plastic straws. Some places are getting rid of plastic straws and replacing the with paper straws. I think paper straws will get soggy then it will turn gross and then we can’t reuse them. If we can’t reuse them, then we are just wasting paper, and paper comes from trees so that would mean we are cutting down tree for just the tiniest that we can’t even reuse. So it is better to keep plastic straws and I want to write about this to make a stop from changing plastic straws into another kind of straw.

The Day I Got Very Exciting News

I was reading on the couch in my parents room and I heard mom say,”Guys I have news come here.” Me and my sister Sara ran to her bed. I slumped onto the bed with a jump and waited for my ears to hear some exciting news. I squealed and bounced forward. With all my excitement I said, “What is it?!” I waited with a huge smile on my face. Sara was like normal not super excited like me. “For winter break, we’re going too… LAS VEGAS! We’re also going to see the Grand Canyon and more places!” Mom said. I was really jumpy by now. We are going to eat tons of food because the food there is yummy!” Mom said. “Cool!” Said Sara. By now I was annoyed Sara wasn’t super excited like me, because it was definitely cool! “Is dad going to come?” I asked hoping he would. Mom nodded with delight. I smiled back. “He’s going to be back by then.” I smiled again, with more happiness and excitement and went back to the couch to read my book with a happier smile on my face. “Bedtime!” Mom said. I shook my head no because I was happy we were going to Las Vegas, and finally got up and walked to my room still with a smile on my face.

Camp Kippewa

My mom kissed me goodbye and so did my Sara, I was sad I was leaving them and dad. But I was happy I was going to go to camp with Alice. I got on the bus and saved a seat for Alice we chatted and the bus finally started moving. There was a girl that had a bunch of candy I definitely was in for it. I was hyper that bus ride, and we started watching the movies they played. I got interested so for 3/4 of the bus ride I was just watching the movies. We had to make a stop and then I made a new friend Emerson, she let me call her Em because I couldn’t remember her full name later I did but we had finally got to camp and I hoped and hoped that Emerson and I would be in the same bunk or Alice and I. When we finally made a stop at the camp, I saw signs and they said “HideAway, Angel’s Roost, Drop Inn, Pineknol, Tepee, Cabbage Patch.” I was confused about what the signs were for. I got off the bus and a person told me that I was in HideAway. I was sad because Alice was in Pineknol, and Emerson was in Drop Inn. I followed my counselors, Emily, Meghan, and Kedesha to my bunk.

Blog Post #4 For Plants Post

This is plant post #4. The plants grew tremendously through all the weeks. Basically 20 days! Seed pods are seeds inside a pod. Seed pods are kind of moon shaped but thinner. They have little bumps on them and that means there are seeds inside the seed pods.


The life cycle is first you need pollinate them with the flowers pollen. Then the seed pods starts to grow. You have to wait about a week for them to grow not big but not small. After the pod starts to grow it gets bigger and bigger.


Here is the process to grow seed pods with Wisconsin Fast Plants:

  1. Plant the Wisconsin Fast plant seed.
  2. Put it under sunlight or a lamp for the sunlight.
  3. Water it everyday to make it grow taller.
  4. Record the data (Optional)
  5. Manipulate (Optional)
  6. When there are flowers pollinate them.
  7. Pick off the seed pods.
  8. Open them.
  9. Repeat the process over again.


Yesterday we took the seed pods off our plants. Then we put them under a lamp to dry them out. The next day we opened our seed pods and we had a pretty big one that had 3-4 seeds!  Then we taped them onto index cards and we get to plant them again, if we want to.

Here are our plants.

CU Blog Post Comic Book – Australia

We went to the library for our topic Australia. We also went to the Heathcote library database page. We mostly used Fact Site (Fact Site123) and WorldBook. We took 2 -3 days of researching. We had found a lot of information from the databases and books. Some information we knew already. The 5 Cultural Universals are Politics, Social Aspects, Economics, Beliefs, and Cultural Arts. Plus one that isn’t really a Cultural Universals, Basic facts. The name of our book is “All of Australia”. We thought of that name and we thought it was creative. My favorite part of the project was making our characters. I think doing that was really fun. I used tips and tricks to make my character. I really liked the bows in my hairs. I also didn’t add parts of me but I still think I am cute. I found challenging finding the Rugby and Cricket information. Also for me it was hard researching. I also thought what was challenging is finding twice as much information as some other people that worked solo, because my partner and I both had to have information in our speech bubble.