Our second launch was also good and I was surprised that it didn’t go higher than our other rocket because when you looked up it looked a lot higher. Again I thought it would fail but of course I was wrong again which is great! I am very happy with our results. Though because the group that went the highest basically had the same design and our rocket didn’t go higher than that group’s rocket. I was confused about but it’s okay. My team job was pumper because last time I got one of the “good” jobs. But I didn’t really care because it wasn’t “boring”. I thought it was kinda fun and you got to see the pressure of the air go up!
Our teams launch when we launched everyone looked up and it look like it was almost 150 feet high! I had my hopes up when it came back down that it went really high. But when we asked the clinometer readers they said it only went 121 feet high. Our team was still happy but we were also kinda sad that it didn’t go higher than expected.
In my class, almost everyone went higher than 100 feet. Except for one group, but it went 96 feet which is still high. My groups rocket went 3 feet higher than last time, which I’m actually pretty happy about. Not every group has wrote down how high their rocket has gone but so far the highest rocket went 136 feet high! Last time, the highest rocket went 192 feet high. I think when everyone changed something it totally made a difference in the rockets.
Our team was so happy after the launch and we were such a good team! During the launch we were all happy we could almost hug each other, but we didn’t. I think our teamwork paid off even though we argue sometimes. When we aren’t arguing we are getting along and laughing together. Because all of us but Charles were working on the presentation, he graphed it. He did a good job and that was our final graph.
After we had launched we all sat down by a tree to take notes of what we observed.