Feature Article Reflection

Wow. I am officially done with my feature article! Although it felt that I would never finish, I finally I did. 

 At first, I was told to come up with a topic I knew a lot about. I wasn’t supposed to do much researching. The thought of tennis came to me instantly, as if it was there all along. Yeah, tennis! That’s the one! That’s what I thought when I was thinking of an idea. Although thinking of an idea came to me easily, my message was a bit more complicated. I wanted my feature article to be about tennis overall. So it was hard to be more specific about my topic. Finally, I chose to do ‘tennis is unique.’ I chose this because I thought this message would show what tennis was all about. It would also hit the key points of tennis, which I felt was really important.

Looking back at what I have done and the process of doing it, I feel that overall this experience was pretty enjoyable. I liked writing the most, though. I just wrote away and didn’t have to make a lot of adjustments, just grammar,and spelling.  I was really impressed by the layout. Although, I thought that making the layout would be easier than it really was. The most challenging part for me was probably adjusting the layout I already had! I had to delete and add a lot. But, this work totally paid off, because I absolutely love my finished product!

I used various techniques throughout this experience including: finding the best words for what I wanted to talk about, coming up with a catchy title, and using comparisons to other sports throughout my article. For example, I used “various” instead of “a lot,” or “farther” instead of “far away.” Also, another example is I compared tennis to soccer or basketball. I used different examples also, like when I wrote about a second chance with a serve. These various techniques helped my reader to understand what I was talking about throughout my article.

When looking back at my work, I feel that I am most proud of my layout of the article. When I first saw an example of a feature article from a previous student I was really impressed by the way it looked. I was surprised that I would be making something like that. Looking at it now that I am finished, I think I made it look just like a real feature article! I am really proud of my finished product. 

To conclude, although it was a long process, it all was worth it. My finished product was much better than I expected it to be. Although I did have some forks in the road, it all paid off.

Here is my feature article:

Thanks for reading!

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