Everyone Should Visit Israel

Writing my persuasive essay was very exciting but there were harder points in the process. At the end though I noticed it was worth it and very fun. I found it a little easier than other projects I did in the past. I really had lots to say. First we found out we were writing a persuasive essay. We did lessons on how to write it. Then write! We picked the best one then we typed it. Lastly, we used Adobe to publish and record our essay. Mr. Casal helped us with that. Mr. Casal also posted it on Youtube. When writing a persuasive essay we learned it’s very important to make a strong claim or thesis statement. Also, make sure you have three pieces of strong evidence with three details that support your evidence for each one. Also, you shouldn’t write about something you barely know about. I picked to write about traveling to Israel because I want more people to go there. In addition I know a lot about it. I really liked this unit because I thought my essay was very good plus I thought it was cool how you make a video on Adobe. The best part of the process was looking at my essay and saying to myself “this essay is amazing!” Thank you to all the people who helped me make my amazing essay possible.

Literary Essay – Those Shoes

Learning how to write a Literary Essay was exciting but there were forks along the road. First I had to generate a claim. It wasn’t easy but after thinking for a little while I noticed Jeremy was determined. I thought up a lot of evidence, that’s when I noticed it just clicked. You might be wondering what needs to be in claim and why. The name of the book because the reader must Know what book you’re talking about, your thesis statement because it shows why you’re making the essay and what you’re trying to show, and the authors name because you have to give them credit too! It’s also important to include 2 or 3 pieces of evidence because the reader won’t believe you if you don’t give any or only 1! First I had to think up a claim. I thought up Jeremy is determined. Then I was ready for action! I started writing. I made sure to organize what piece  of evidence came first in the book second then third. Then I picked my favorite literary essay and here it is! It was difficult picking which one to publish. I liked two but then I noticed this one was better. I really liked being proud of my essay when I finished it. I learned for an essay you have to say this shows. I also learned that I like writing literary essays. I feel proud about my essay.  Enjoy!


Those Shoes


Did you ever really want a certain pair of shoes and was so determined to get them? Well in the book Those Shoes by Maribeth Bolts Jeremy is determined. Throughout the story Jeremy really wants those shoes and would do almost anything to get them.

In the beginning Jeremy really wants those shoes he says “I  have dreams about those shoes black high tops with two white stripes.” This matters because it shows how Jeremy wants them so bad he even dreams about them! Also Jeremy wants them so much, every word on his homework looks like the word shoes! This clearly shows he wants them so bad every word on his homework looks like the word shoe.

In the middle Jeremy goes from thrift shop to thrift shop looking for those shoes. It must have taken him a long time! Jeremy could have said I give up! Instead he looked and looked. This shows Jeremy is determined and doesn’t give up.

Finally he found them! In the text it says, “I shove my first foot into the shoe, curling my toes to get my heel in.” The reason this quote is important is because it shows that Jeremy wants those shoes so much even if they don’t fit him he tries to get them.

At the end of the story, Jeremy’s grandma said “no” because they don’t fit him. Then Jeremy insists he buys them with his own money! This clearly shows Jeremy will do almost anything to get them even if it requires him to get them with his own money, even if they don’t fit!

In conclusion, Jeremy is a determined character  who will do almost anything to get those shoes and is determined throughout the story. At the end Jeremy learned there is a difference between wants and needs and he doesn’t need those shoes.

My Expert Book: What is Passover?

I had a wonderful time writing my expert book but there were forks along the road.I chose to write about Passover because I know a lot about it plus I like every single part about Passover especially the afikomen, the matzah that people hide as part of a tradition.  I brainstormed ideas like Hanukkah,Thanksgiving and so on but Passover just clicked. I drafted, typed it up, revised, then added pictures. I had difficulty revising and typing. I really liked typing it up and the feeling that my project was finally completed. I learned all sorts of things that there’s too much to say! One of the things was mini stories. I never heard of it before third grade. I also learned that I have a good story telling voice.I feel excited that it’s complete and I hope you like it!

This is my expert book.

Thank you for reading.


I was at the playground and the fun and fear awaited me. I wondered what I would do.  I thought, Phew, my mom finally said yes. It felt as if I had been begging her for hours!

But it all started one regular old day. I thought nothing exciting was going to happen until I stepped foot on the playground. I looked to do some climbing. I had a limited amount of time, only 5 minutes!I wanted to do the climbing swing but someone was on it! So I looked and looked and finally l spotted the spiderweb!

I sprinted to it and I climbed foot by foot hand by hand and finally I got up! I jumped back down. For a second, just for a second,I felt like I was soaring in outer space. I wondered, how would I get back on land? I was scared and calm.


I was on the ground again. I looked down at the wood chips and my feet. I was on the ground and then boom, it got me.  I was going to climb the border of the spider web! I tried.I was eager to do it and I tried again and I finally got up. 

“Mommy! Mommy!” I yelled. “Take a picture!” 


“Okay I’m going to get down now,” as I said that I saw my brother’s feet. He got up too! Double trouble I have to admit I couldn’t get down!

“Lets jump!” my brother exclaimed. 

“No!” my mom said. 

“Wha wha wha what should I do?” I cried to myself.

I was about to cry, but I tried to hold it in. My hands were shaking, my heart was racing and it felt like I had ants in my pants. I wonder if I would spend the rest of my life there. Tears by tears ran down my cheek. I was drowning in my tears. Thoughts were racing in my mind. I was miserable. I can see by the look on my mom’s face that she was stressed. It looked like was I 100 feet up!

“Mo mo mommy what should I do?” I said. 

“Try to inch your way down,” my mom said. 

I tried to inch my way down and I said to myself, I can’t do it.  I got back up and I could see my mom was madder than ever. Stress started to bubble up in my body. I tried the hardest I could to face my fear and finally…“I did it! Yeah!” I screamed.

Now my mom’s stress has faded so my stress has faded. “Phew,” I said, relieved.

My legs pushed me out of the playground. Finally the tragic time was over.