Feature Article Reflection

Wow. I am officially done with my feature article! Although it felt that I would never finish, I finally I did. 

 At first, I was told to come up with a topic I knew a lot about. I wasn’t supposed to do much researching. The thought of tennis came to me instantly, as if it was there all along. Yeah, tennis! That’s the one! That’s what I thought when I was thinking of an idea. Although thinking of an idea came to me easily, my message was a bit more complicated. I wanted my feature article to be about tennis overall. So it was hard to be more specific about my topic. Finally, I chose to do ‘tennis is unique.’ I chose this because I thought this message would show what tennis was all about. It would also hit the key points of tennis, which I felt was really important.

Looking back at what I have done and the process of doing it, I feel that overall this experience was pretty enjoyable. I liked writing the most, though. I just wrote away and didn’t have to make a lot of adjustments, just grammar,and spelling.  I was really impressed by the layout. Although, I thought that making the layout would be easier than it really was. The most challenging part for me was probably adjusting the layout I already had! I had to delete and add a lot. But, this work totally paid off, because I absolutely love my finished product!

I used various techniques throughout this experience including: finding the best words for what I wanted to talk about, coming up with a catchy title, and using comparisons to other sports throughout my article. For example, I used “various” instead of “a lot,” or “farther” instead of “far away.” Also, another example is I compared tennis to soccer or basketball. I used different examples also, like when I wrote about a second chance with a serve. These various techniques helped my reader to understand what I was talking about throughout my article.

When looking back at my work, I feel that I am most proud of my layout of the article. When I first saw an example of a feature article from a previous student I was really impressed by the way it looked. I was surprised that I would be making something like that. Looking at it now that I am finished, I think I made it look just like a real feature article! I am really proud of my finished product. 

To conclude, although it was a long process, it all was worth it. My finished product was much better than I expected it to be. Although I did have some forks in the road, it all paid off.

Here is my feature article:

Thanks for reading!

My First Week of School

I have been waiting and waiting for this first week to come, but when it did I wasn’t too sure… surprisingly this first week was amazing! We did projects and games and also did some fun challenges! I enjoyed making my projects and was proud to see mine up on the wall. There was so much fun things we did this week, and if this keeps up this year will be amazing!

This past week, I have had many new experiences as a fifth grader. I have done various projects and activities. One of the projects I enjoyed was my identity map. While working on my identity map I have dug deeper on what really makes me, well, me! When my teachers announced that we would be making our identity maps I reflected on a project I did in third grade, I did the same thing! I partitioned my identity map into a lot of parts because I had so much to say. I was worried that I wasn’t going to get it done in time, but in the last second I finished it. While I was making my identity map, I was thinking how did I split this up into like, 2,000,000,000 parts in only a couple of minutes? Believe it or not, I have even more parts of me that I couldn’t fit. Now, we are working on sharing our identity maps. I can’t wait for my turn! Another project we did was our we make a difference project. During this project we drew a self portrait of ourselves and thought of a trait that we had that would help the classroom become a better place. We also found a quote that would go with our word that we chose. But, if I looked like what I drew I wouldn’t look like a normal human being, maybe more like a cartoon character or an alien robot. During math we did a puzzle to make a square of pieces of paper. Surprisingly, it was very tricky and made me think outside the box. I was really excited when I got the challenge. I was trying for days! It was really hard not to look at other people’s combinations. I was so proud when I finally got it. The right combination was so surprising I would have never thought that the pieces went where they went. I was thinking, did someone cut these pieces so they would fit? I couldn’t believe I finally got it. We also made locker signs to hang up on our lockers. To make our lockers more personal they stated our names and we decorated it with designs, drawings, and words. When I was making it I mumbled, “ I should add a background.” Then I completely forgot. When it was hung up on my locker I mumbled to myself “ Why didn’t I add a background?” At lunch/recess I have enjoyed sitting, talking, and playing with my friends. This year we earned the privilege to sit with our friends in different classes. This week has been great and I am so excited for the year to come.

Although this week was fun there are many other experiences I am looking forward to in the upcoming year. This year we get to have many fun experiences including hotdog field day. During hotdog field day we get to experience a field day with hotdogs! We also have a school halloween party. I am also looking forward to the volleyball game. During the volleyball game the teachers play against the kids in volleyball. The rest of the school watches to see who wins. I am really excited for our field trips. One of our field trips is curling with our school P.E. teacher, Mr. Borgia. Over the years we have learned all about curling and practiced in P.E. class. This year we get to go to a curling rink and play! We also get to have a writing unit on comics. I am looking forward to this because I am really interested in writing comics. In fifth grade you do a big research project called Capstone. Capstone is the big end of fifth grade research project. Since this is our last year in Heathcote, we get a ceremony because we finished elementary school. This ceremony is really special because this is our last year in Heathcote. Also, when you are in fifth grade you receive a book filled with your best memories and experiences over the years. You get the opportunity to go around to your old teachers, classmates, and friends so they can sign your yearbook. I am sure this year will be fun packed and I am excited for the new experiences middle school will give me. 

Overall, the first week of school was a pretty good experience for me. While the first week had some challenges, we did some really fun projects also. Whether you have already experienced fifth grade or did not yet, I bet your experiences have not been the same… a 10/10! I hope the rest of fifth grade is also a 10/10! 


Blog Post #3 AmRev!

Yes, relieved is the word. I’m well, relieved!  I walked out of that room relieved and came in thinking I will be relieved when I walk out of it. I enjoyed making my movie most. I loved adding in the pictures! Also knowing that all those hours I put into it were for something when I shared my project. It was most challenging to cut off clips, they were too long! If I had to give advice to future fourth graders I would say, it’s all worth it. During the project I put so much time and effort into it. I was questioning myself, is it really worth it? I mean, hours for a couple minutes? When I heard the applause it answered my question, it was all worth it.

Passion Project [Drawing]

I chose drawing as my passion project. I chose drawing because I really have a passion for drawing, I draw all the time, I even draw on my schoolwork! When I go to my after school art class I come with excitement, and I look forward to it every week. Drawing brings me joy so when my teachers mentioned the passion project it just, well, clicked. I chose a slideshow for my project. I chose this because I haven’t done much slideshows this year so I was like, it’s my perfect opportunity! It was easier and more enjoyable to work on something I was compassionate about because I was really interested in my topic. If we did this project again I think I should change the way I spoke, I spoke too quietly. Also I think there should be a limit to the slides because I got bored with some other people’s slideshows because they were too long. Overall I think it was a great opportunity to share your passion with your peers.

Blog Post #2 AmRev!

I selected a WeVideo to present my information. I chose this because I thought it was really cool to put my narration while you see the pictures. It also sounded professional but not only that, unlike the other choices you get to watch the movie too, and best of all you don’t really have to talk! While writing my narrative and all throughout the process I was excited about seeing my final product. Writing my narrative was kind of easy because I just took all of my research and put it into a narrative. The script was fun. I liked adding pictures. The copying and pasting part of the script process was easy though. The hard part of the script was the timing. Most of my clips were too long and a couple clips were too short. So I did a lot of editing throughout the process. While creating the project I like adding pictures, and words. When I finished it, I was really happy about my finished product. In conclusion, The Declaration of Independence is an amazing document and I hope you like it as much as I do!

Blog Post #1–AmRev!

I wonder how I might have felt if one day I was part of great Britain and the next day I’d have to choose a side. When I first started my pre research I knew what I didn’t want to do but not exactly what I did. Then I tried researching something that spoke to me, and then, bam, it clicked. I chose something that changed all of our lives, the declaration of independence. This year in fourth grade we are doing our Causes of the American Revolution project. I used all different sources to find my research including Britannica Online School Edition, Explora, Pebble Go, Pebble Go Next, Epic, True Flix, Fact cite, World Book Kids, Ducksters, and Brainpop. I also used books. No, it wasn’t challenging finding information but eventually when I looked at all the sources and I didn’t know what to do next, that’s when my teachers recommended some books for me and then I was ready to start a narrative. If I could go back to the beginning of the project I think I would change the way I researched and organized my information.  I have to admit I couldn’t even read my own research! I had research all over the place, and I didn’t have enough room to fit all my research. If I used another piece of paper for my research I probably would have read my research better, so I probably would have used more research for my narrative. As we move into the next phase of the project I’m feeling excited to see where my project will take me.

Life Has Pros And Cons

 Many people don’t realize that life has pros and cons. They think one thing is either good or bad and cannot be both but I’ve come to realize that nothing can be black or white, everything is gray. What you need to know is that everything in life is gray. Sort of like life is not one thing or another it is good and bad. I have experienced this when I do different activities, when I moved, and even when I get hurt! All these have pros and cons.

First, let’s talk about doing different activities. Activities have pros and cons. Examples of this are rides, sports, a thing within your hobby, your hobby, and maybe even playing with friends. Another example of this is, once I went to Disney World… The first ride I went on was Space Mountain. I got on the roller coaster with a mix of scared and excited but when the ride started everything became pitch black so you did not know what was ahead of you. It was going so fast I was yelling,”Daddy! Daddy! I don’t like it!” Then, just like that it ended. I was smiling when I got off saying, “Best. Ride. Ever.!” Space Mountain was not all great and not all bad. 

As I said, moving has pros and cons. It’s sad to say goodbye, but fun to say hello! New friends, new houses, new schools, new teams, new places, and maybe even new traditions all have pros and cons. None of these is all good or all bad, they are all mixed. For instance, when my parents said we were moving I was SO sad. [ I even kissed the walls of my apartment.] I felt SO connected to it like I thought I would never leave it… but, then the day came. Now when I look back at it I now I notice moving is not too bad and there is good and bad in it. Sure, I miss the apartment and sure, it’s not all good here either but that’s how life works, life has pros and cons. 

Another example of life having pros and cons is getting hurt. I know what you are thinking, “No no, that’s not true.” But, believe me on this one, getting hurt does have pros and cons. Scraping a knee, getting a cut, getting stitches, getting a virus, and more. Which one of these is all good or all bad? None, they are all mixed! All of these have a little good and a little bad. One time, my parents were going to meet their friends. They were getting ready to leave when I thought of a question to ask them. I had socks on. At that time, I was in a phase where I skipped everywhere so I skipped to go ask them that question. Then, BOOM! I slipped and fell. I had to go get stitches. This taught me never to skip with socks on again, just walk. So down the drain goes that phase! Sure it was bad, I got hurt! But I learned my lesson so I bet it won’t happen again.

Often people say one thing is bad and another thing is all good, like they don’t see the good in things. Instead, people shouldn’t say that, they need to learn that life has pros and cons. Life includes activities, moving, getting hurt, and more.

Everyone Should Visit Israel

Writing my persuasive essay was very exciting but there were harder points in the process. At the end though I noticed it was worth it and very fun. I found it a little easier than other projects I did in the past. I really had lots to say. First we found out we were writing a persuasive essay. We did lessons on how to write it. Then write! We picked the best one then we typed it. Lastly, we used Adobe to publish and record our essay. Mr. Casal helped us with that. Mr. Casal also posted it on Youtube. When writing a persuasive essay we learned it’s very important to make a strong claim or thesis statement. Also, make sure you have three pieces of strong evidence with three details that support your evidence for each one. Also, you shouldn’t write about something you barely know about. I picked to write about traveling to Israel because I want more people to go there. In addition I know a lot about it. I really liked this unit because I thought my essay was very good plus I thought it was cool how you make a video on Adobe. The best part of the process was looking at my essay and saying to myself “this essay is amazing!” Thank you to all the people who helped me make my amazing essay possible.

Literary Essay – Those Shoes

Learning how to write a Literary Essay was exciting but there were forks along the road. First I had to generate a claim. It wasn’t easy but after thinking for a little while I noticed Jeremy was determined. I thought up a lot of evidence, that’s when I noticed it just clicked. You might be wondering what needs to be in claim and why. The name of the book because the reader must Know what book you’re talking about, your thesis statement because it shows why you’re making the essay and what you’re trying to show, and the authors name because you have to give them credit too! It’s also important to include 2 or 3 pieces of evidence because the reader won’t believe you if you don’t give any or only 1! First I had to think up a claim. I thought up Jeremy is determined. Then I was ready for action! I started writing. I made sure to organize what piece  of evidence came first in the book second then third. Then I picked my favorite literary essay and here it is! It was difficult picking which one to publish. I liked two but then I noticed this one was better. I really liked being proud of my essay when I finished it. I learned for an essay you have to say this shows. I also learned that I like writing literary essays. I feel proud about my essay.  Enjoy!


Those Shoes


Did you ever really want a certain pair of shoes and was so determined to get them? Well in the book Those Shoes by Maribeth Bolts Jeremy is determined. Throughout the story Jeremy really wants those shoes and would do almost anything to get them.

In the beginning Jeremy really wants those shoes he says “I  have dreams about those shoes black high tops with two white stripes.” This matters because it shows how Jeremy wants them so bad he even dreams about them! Also Jeremy wants them so much, every word on his homework looks like the word shoes! This clearly shows he wants them so bad every word on his homework looks like the word shoe.

In the middle Jeremy goes from thrift shop to thrift shop looking for those shoes. It must have taken him a long time! Jeremy could have said I give up! Instead he looked and looked. This shows Jeremy is determined and doesn’t give up.

Finally he found them! In the text it says, “I shove my first foot into the shoe, curling my toes to get my heel in.” The reason this quote is important is because it shows that Jeremy wants those shoes so much even if they don’t fit him he tries to get them.

At the end of the story, Jeremy’s grandma said “no” because they don’t fit him. Then Jeremy insists he buys them with his own money! This clearly shows Jeremy will do almost anything to get them even if it requires him to get them with his own money, even if they don’t fit!

In conclusion, Jeremy is a determined character  who will do almost anything to get those shoes and is determined throughout the story. At the end Jeremy learned there is a difference between wants and needs and he doesn’t need those shoes.

My Expert Book: What is Passover?

I had a wonderful time writing my expert book but there were forks along the road.I chose to write about Passover because I know a lot about it plus I like every single part about Passover especially the afikomen, the matzah that people hide as part of a tradition.  I brainstormed ideas like Hanukkah,Thanksgiving and so on but Passover just clicked. I drafted, typed it up, revised, then added pictures. I had difficulty revising and typing. I really liked typing it up and the feeling that my project was finally completed. I learned all sorts of things that there’s too much to say! One of the things was mini stories. I never heard of it before third grade. I also learned that I have a good story telling voice.I feel excited that it’s complete and I hope you like it!

This is my expert book.

Thank you for reading.