Feature Article Reflection

Wow. I am officially done with my feature article! Although it felt that I would never finish, I finally I did. 

 At first, I was told to come up with a topic I knew a lot about. I wasn’t supposed to do much researching. The thought of tennis came to me instantly, as if it was there all along. Yeah, tennis! That’s the one! That’s what I thought when I was thinking of an idea. Although thinking of an idea came to me easily, my message was a bit more complicated. I wanted my feature article to be about tennis overall. So it was hard to be more specific about my topic. Finally, I chose to do ‘tennis is unique.’ I chose this because I thought this message would show what tennis was all about. It would also hit the key points of tennis, which I felt was really important.

Looking back at what I have done and the process of doing it, I feel that overall this experience was pretty enjoyable. I liked writing the most, though. I just wrote away and didn’t have to make a lot of adjustments, just grammar,and spelling.  I was really impressed by the layout. Although, I thought that making the layout would be easier than it really was. The most challenging part for me was probably adjusting the layout I already had! I had to delete and add a lot. But, this work totally paid off, because I absolutely love my finished product!

I used various techniques throughout this experience including: finding the best words for what I wanted to talk about, coming up with a catchy title, and using comparisons to other sports throughout my article. For example, I used “various” instead of “a lot,” or “farther” instead of “far away.” Also, another example is I compared tennis to soccer or basketball. I used different examples also, like when I wrote about a second chance with a serve. These various techniques helped my reader to understand what I was talking about throughout my article.

When looking back at my work, I feel that I am most proud of my layout of the article. When I first saw an example of a feature article from a previous student I was really impressed by the way it looked. I was surprised that I would be making something like that. Looking at it now that I am finished, I think I made it look just like a real feature article! I am really proud of my finished product. 

To conclude, although it was a long process, it all was worth it. My finished product was much better than I expected it to be. Although I did have some forks in the road, it all paid off.

Here is my feature article:

Thanks for reading!

A Day At The Board Of Legislators


I would have never guessed that the first chairman of Westchester County is about to be 100 years old! Did you know this? A couple of weeks ago my class went on a field trip to the board of legislators and thats where I learned all these fun facts! I learned so much facts from this trip from big to small. I knew from the begigining this trip would be full of surprises… So, get ready to read about them!

During  this trip we had many new experiences that I really enjoyed. Some of these experiences were meeting our legislator so he could tell us about what it is like to be a legislator, going to the chamber room to do a mock vote on a fake law, and entering the conference room to discuss another fake law. While we were meeting the legislator he told us about his job, the process to become a legislator, and lots more. He introduced himself as Benjamin Boykin II and even called us legislators! Our class was very lucky because he wasn’t supposed to be at the board of legislators, but for some reason he was there so we got to meet him. He told us lots of interesting facts and I was thinking, how come I didn’t know that? Additionally, we got to go to the chamber room and take a photo with him! Speaking of the chamber room, we all got to go into it and we all got a job. There were four jobs. The clerks, the legislators, the public speaker, and the chairman. I was one of the clerks. I got to do roll call and discuss a law. Furthermore, I got to speak into the microphone. I was thinking, when do I get to speak into the microphone, when do I get to speak into the microphone? But, when they finally turned it on it was so cool to hear my voice loud and clear. At the end we also got to bang the gavel and say, “this meeting is now adjourned.” It felt like I had so much power! At the end I was fooling around and saying it with an accent. I was like, “ Theese meetin’ eez now adorned.” It was so funny! Next, we went to the conference room. While we were in the conference room they split us up into two groups. As a result, each table had a chairman/woman but I wasn’t one of them. The chairman/woman lead the meeting, discussing another fake law. I got the table with the chairs that turn. I was thinking, I am glad I got the chairs that turn! At the end of our fake meeting at the conference room they passed out lifesavers, they were very yummy! While going from one room to another, we passed a lot of offices. I thought it was pretty cool to look into the offices. One even had a treadmill! When we left, we each received a certificate and a pin with a golden apple because, well, Westchester is the golden apple. Right now as I am writing this, I am wondering, why gold? Why not blue, yellow, or green? Anyway, this trip was so fun and I enjoyed every part of it.

On this trip I got the experience to learn a lot on the legislative branch. Sure, I learned a lot in school but, I got to experience learning from the legislator that represents district five and a lot of Westchester County and learn about how it feels to be a lestislator. When he told us there were about 1.3 million people in westchester and 20,000 people in Scarsdale, I couldn’t help it but let my mouth drop wide open. I couldn’t believe it! In addition, I learned [as I said in my introduction] the first chairman of Westchester County is about to be 100 years old! Benjamin Boykin II showed us a picture of him. I thought to myself, Um, isn’t that kind of old. I wonder what it was like back then. Did you know that there is 17 representatives of Westchester County? As a result I was honestly surprised by this number and I thought there would be less. I learned so much from this trip and I hope to learn lots more interesting facts.

To summarize, this field trip was awesome. I had an amazing time. From the first second I walked into that building I knew this trip would be better than I thought. So, come one, come all, to the amazing [drumroll please] Board Of Legislators!

Blog Post #3 AmRev!

Yes, relieved is the word. I’m well, relieved!  I walked out of that room relieved and came in thinking I will be relieved when I walk out of it. I enjoyed making my movie most. I loved adding in the pictures! Also knowing that all those hours I put into it were for something when I shared my project. It was most challenging to cut off clips, they were too long! If I had to give advice to future fourth graders I would say, it’s all worth it. During the project I put so much time and effort into it. I was questioning myself, is it really worth it? I mean, hours for a couple minutes? When I heard the applause it answered my question, it was all worth it.

Passion Project [Drawing]

I chose drawing as my passion project. I chose drawing because I really have a passion for drawing, I draw all the time, I even draw on my schoolwork! When I go to my after school art class I come with excitement, and I look forward to it every week. Drawing brings me joy so when my teachers mentioned the passion project it just, well, clicked. I chose a slideshow for my project. I chose this because I haven’t done much slideshows this year so I was like, it’s my perfect opportunity! It was easier and more enjoyable to work on something I was compassionate about because I was really interested in my topic. If we did this project again I think I should change the way I spoke, I spoke too quietly. Also I think there should be a limit to the slides because I got bored with some other people’s slideshows because they were too long. Overall I think it was a great opportunity to share your passion with your peers.

Blog Post #2 AmRev!

I selected a WeVideo to present my information. I chose this because I thought it was really cool to put my narration while you see the pictures. It also sounded professional but not only that, unlike the other choices you get to watch the movie too, and best of all you don’t really have to talk! While writing my narrative and all throughout the process I was excited about seeing my final product. Writing my narrative was kind of easy because I just took all of my research and put it into a narrative. The script was fun. I liked adding pictures. The copying and pasting part of the script process was easy though. The hard part of the script was the timing. Most of my clips were too long and a couple clips were too short. So I did a lot of editing throughout the process. While creating the project I like adding pictures, and words. When I finished it, I was really happy about my finished product. In conclusion, The Declaration of Independence is an amazing document and I hope you like it as much as I do!

Blog Post #1–AmRev!

I wonder how I might have felt if one day I was part of great Britain and the next day I’d have to choose a side. When I first started my pre research I knew what I didn’t want to do but not exactly what I did. Then I tried researching something that spoke to me, and then, bam, it clicked. I chose something that changed all of our lives, the declaration of independence. This year in fourth grade we are doing our Causes of the American Revolution project. I used all different sources to find my research including Britannica Online School Edition, Explora, Pebble Go, Pebble Go Next, Epic, True Flix, Fact cite, World Book Kids, Ducksters, and Brainpop. I also used books. No, it wasn’t challenging finding information but eventually when I looked at all the sources and I didn’t know what to do next, that’s when my teachers recommended some books for me and then I was ready to start a narrative. If I could go back to the beginning of the project I think I would change the way I researched and organized my information.  I have to admit I couldn’t even read my own research! I had research all over the place, and I didn’t have enough room to fit all my research. If I used another piece of paper for my research I probably would have read my research better, so I probably would have used more research for my narrative. As we move into the next phase of the project I’m feeling excited to see where my project will take me.

The Southern Colonies

I can’t imagine living in colonial times, it is so different from today. When I started the project I didn’t notice how amazing colonial times can be! When I first started I wasn’t exactly sure what colonial region I wanted to choose but then when I learned about the Southern colonies it popped out and stuck with me. 

I chose to take notes in the organizer packet because I thought it was the best choice for me ; it helped me organize without having to do it myself. I chose the infographic because I liked the way it organized my information. I used a lot of helpful websites, I used Epic, Ducksters and Trueflix to help me research. It wasn’t challenging finding the information I needed, but it sure was challenging cutting out information! I put my information into six groups: geography, daily life, economics, jobs, chief products, and an interesting fact. I chose to organize my facts this way because I felt it really hit the overall point of my research. I think the biggest challenge in creating this project was cutting out information, all of my facts were important! 

The part of the project I enjoyed most was making it into an infographic. I loved the way it looked! If I could go back I think I would change how I organize it. I felt the “daily life” section could be broken up into many parts. For example, clothing, food,women, men, children, etc. When I saw my finished piece I was really proud of the time and effort I put into it.  It was amazing! 


Thanks for looking!

Extreme Weather Ignite Reflection

After the presentation I told my mom, “Wow, I did it!” I couldn’t believe it was actually was done! I know what you are wondering, what was the process? Well I’ll tell you!

The research was fun. At first, I couldn’t find any information and then, I was full of it! As I was collecting the information I didn’t notice how fun it really was. Later in the process, I noticed it was probably one of the best parts of the project.

I’d say the narrative was the easiest part, all you had to do was take the information and put it into more of a story. It was an okay part of the process.

The script was the hardest part of the process for me, it was very hard cutting out information for me because I thought all my information was important.

Memorizing I’d say, was really just plain okay. I memorized part by part and practiced and that was about it for the memorizing.

Slides were fun. At first, I had a little trouble centering the pictures but then I got the hang of it. After a lot of practice, I got it down.

Working together was good because we were able to share information. It was also a little hard because you might not always agree on the pictures to use for the introduction and conclusion. However, teamwork makes the dream work. 

The part of the project that I enjoyed the most was the research because it was interesting to learn about how volcanic eruptions are measured.

The part of the project I thought was challenging was cutting stuff out of the script to make it the right amount of time because I felt like all the information was important.

I felt good about the final presentation because I got it over with and it was fun to show what I had been working hard on.

If I had to go back and redo a part of the Ignite it would be talking slower and louder so that the audience could understand me.

At the end I was so proud and happy it was all I could think about. I was so happy I did it.

See the real thing! Click below to watch.

Everyone Should Visit Israel

Writing my persuasive essay was very exciting but there were harder points in the process. At the end though I noticed it was worth it and very fun. I found it a little easier than other projects I did in the past. I really had lots to say. First we found out we were writing a persuasive essay. We did lessons on how to write it. Then write! We picked the best one then we typed it. Lastly, we used Adobe to publish and record our essay. Mr. Casal helped us with that. Mr. Casal also posted it on Youtube. When writing a persuasive essay we learned it’s very important to make a strong claim or thesis statement. Also, make sure you have three pieces of strong evidence with three details that support your evidence for each one. Also, you shouldn’t write about something you barely know about. I picked to write about traveling to Israel because I want more people to go there. In addition I know a lot about it. I really liked this unit because I thought my essay was very good plus I thought it was cool how you make a video on Adobe. The best part of the process was looking at my essay and saying to myself “this essay is amazing!” Thank you to all the people who helped me make my amazing essay possible.

My Expert Book: What is Passover?

I had a wonderful time writing my expert book but there were forks along the road.I chose to write about Passover because I know a lot about it plus I like every single part about Passover especially the afikomen, the matzah that people hide as part of a tradition.  I brainstormed ideas like Hanukkah,Thanksgiving and so on but Passover just clicked. I drafted, typed it up, revised, then added pictures. I had difficulty revising and typing. I really liked typing it up and the feeling that my project was finally completed. I learned all sorts of things that there’s too much to say! One of the things was mini stories. I never heard of it before third grade. I also learned that I have a good story telling voice.I feel excited that it’s complete and I hope you like it!

This is my expert book.

Thank you for reading.