I never really had any trouble with the music video and I looked a Nealies music video which was a remix of mine which was pretty good she changed the music to have two tracks and changed the backdrop
Category Archives: 6th Grade
Animate your name
I looked at wills project i like how he made the letters rotate and move around the screen it reminded me of a cartoon when the letters look like they were thrown onto the screen and eventually spelled the name of the cartoon or in wills case he spelled his name overall good project
My electroscope
My electroscope worked quite well. I used the balloon and rubbed it against a sweatshirt for about 20 minutes and that gave me a lot of electrons to move the tin foil around a lot. I also used an old cookie jar for my container and it was a cool sight to watch.
My reinforced cube
The way I reinforced my cube is different than usual. Because instead of using 2 toothpicks together made another square that was a bit smaller so it would fit 1 toothpick across. Then I put that square inside of the cube and reinforced it that way. So that is how i reinforced my cube
My beam
I built just a regular I beam and it held up very well. But after a while it started to rack then it snapped. That shows if the weight is a little to far to one side it can really destroy a shape maybe if the I beam had a little more supports on the side they could of probably prevented the racking from happening.
Tech blog post 1
One way i think technology changed the world was boats it helped transportation and evolved the early humans. It taut them how to fish and survive off the water because it is one of the most abundant resource on earth after that it kept growing and eventually into an economy. The way those boats changed were the materials used the shape the height and other things that helped boats become what they were today. The first boat ever built was a hollowed out log. It was very unstable because it very skinny and long and also it didn’t perform well on the water because the bow was just flat no curves no nothing so it would push a lot of water thus making it very slow.