In my opinion, the rocketry unit was great because we got to build rockets and make slide shows all in all it was amazing. I think I worked very well in a team because we all were good at something so that helped us a lot say Mary said I don ́t know how to do this but Jeff said I know how to do that. So that was a huge advantage for our group and we were one of the first groups to finish our rocket. And we named our rocket Ocean Motion because it was blue and it would be going fast.
Tag Archives: Engineering design process
Designing Rocket 3
When we were designing rocket 3 we decide to change are nose cone so we got rid of the flat stopper and put the nose cone over the opening and sealed it with tape. We call are rocket the green dart of death. We think we are going to do it perfect this time.
We built it out of cardstock paper and cardboard and tape. We are very excited to launch are rocket. We are hoping to to at least get 100 ft instead of staying in the 90 ft range.
Launching and Graphing Rocket 2
When we launched rocket 2 we were so happy it looked like it went a lot higher than last time but when we got the resultś we were mad because they got the same reading as last time we thought the clinometer readers were being dishonest
After the launch we had to graph are rocket and we got a little bit higher we got that done we were ready to design rocket 3.
Designing and Building Rocket 2
When we were designing rocket 2 we thought about how we can make it go higher. So we looked at the winning groups fins and they were bigger and higher up than ours so we stole there fin template and copied there fins.
After that we glued them on and we were ready to go we were so happy we thought for sure it would go a lot higher than last time. I was thinking this is going to go so much higher than last time
Launching and Graphing Rocket 1
When we launched our first rocket it did not look like it went very high. But we were happy it worked but when we found out how high it went we were nooooooo but then we thought how can we make it better after that we had to graph are results and we got 90ft.
When we were graphing are rockets we had to use this graph paper with protractors to measure the height of the rocket plus our height .
Designing and Building Rocket 1
When We were building are Rocket we decided to have small and pointy fins because of aerodynamics and speed. So we built them out of the lightest cardboard we could find. Then we made a fin template and cut the fins out and then hot glued them on.
Once we did that we were hopeful for the launch and very optimistic. we thought are fins were perfect and are nose cone was perfect but it didn’t really work out that way.
We built our nose cone out of light paper and tinfoil and tape. Then we built our body around a pvc pipe then taped it together and slid the pipe out. Then we got cardboard from the maker space and cut it out and glued them on.