Idenity Map

I’ve been in fifth grade for about two months. So far, I love it! Each one of my classmates made an identity map and we all shared it with our table mates. So I wanted to share some activities and animals that I love with you that I put on mine. For example, I love gymnastics, lacrosse ,and my favorite animal is dogs. My table mates that shared with me are Suhana, Ebrar ,and Noah. Suhana loves dogs. Ebrar loves baking and Noah loves tennis. Those are the people and things about me I wanted to share.

There are parts of my identity map that I wanted to share. For example I’m going to talk about why I love gymnastics, why I love lacrosse, and that I love dogs. I love gymnastics. I love it because I’ve been doing it since I was six years old and I’ve loved it since then. I also Really like gymnastics because It’s the sport I feel most confident in. Another reason that I enjoy gymnastics is when I practice at home it feels like my happy place. Another thing I wanted to share with you is that I’m a lacrosse player. I love this sport because I enjoy practicing with a coach and practicing in my backyard. Also I really like lacrosse because I always practice with my friends and I like throwing and catching with them. I also really like lacrosse because I’ve been doing lacrosse for three years and I’ve learned a lot. The last thing I wanted to share with you is that my favorite animals are dogs. For example, I think that dogs are really cute and fluffy. Another reason I really like dogs is that my family has owned them since I was born. I also really love dogs because they’re very friendly and playful.


Me and my classmates shared our Identity maps and I wanted to tell you about what some of my friends really like. For example, my friends Suhana, Ebrar, and Noah. First off, my friend Suhana really likes dogs. She really likes them because she loves her dog hershey. Another reason sheq likes dogs is because she thinks they’re really cute and playful. Suhana also really likes dogs because they are very fluffy and fun. My other friend Ebrar likes cooking. One reason she likes cooking is because she really enjoys baking with her mom. Another reason she likes cooking is because she likes making things. Ebrar also likes cooking because she loves to eat what she makes. The last person I wanted to talk about is Noah. Noah likes to play tennis. He likes to play tennis because he says he’s really talented. Another reason Noah likes tennis is because he has so many role models to look up to. Noah also likes tennis because he loves watching.

Sharing things about me and learning about some of my friends helped me find some similarities with my classmates that I’d never notice was fun. I hope you enjoyed learning about me and my classmates. Do you have any similarities with me and my classmates?