Oceans Ecosystem




By Nate


Where it is located



are 5 different oceans. The Pacific Ocean, the Atlantic Ocean, the Arctic Ocean, Southern Ocean and the Indian Ocean.

Oceans takes up 71% of the world, which is 3 quarters of the world.

There are three groups. They are carnivores, herbivores, and omnivores. In the carnivores group you have some of the most popular fish and mammals in the world in this category like sharks, dolphins, and the killer whale. The most popular herbivores are green sea turtles and manatees.




There are some producers in the ocean. Most producers in the ocean are plants.  One is a microscopic plant that floats in the ocean floor. There is another one and it’s made from the ground, both of those plants are producers and they give food and nutrients to other things in the ocean. Some things in the ocean don’t need those plants they get their food they get it through photosynthesis.


Unique in the ocean

There are a lot of things unique in the ocean. Under the water it is cold and kind of hot it depends which ocean you’re in, for example the Arctic Ocean it is cold and the Atlantic ocean it is a little hotter. Sharks in the ocean are pretty strange. Most sharks eat other sharks like Great White sharks sometimes eat hammerhead sharks. It is like a whole different world in the ocean.



Primary consumers in the ocean include zooplankton, small fish, and crustaceans. The secondary consumers are fish, coral, penguins, whales, and other species that eat the zooplankton. The top predators in the ocean, sharks, killer whales, and leopard seals, eat both primary and secondary consumers. Those are some consumers in the ocean.


Human Impact

It’s bad that some people throw plastic bags in the ocean it is bad because it can kill animals. Storms and other dangerous things that kill important species like fish other animals can’t get any food so they’ll also die. That is why we need to be careful of what we throw away and if somebody kills an animal it is bad because then when a important specie like a fish, if it dies some of the Eco system relies on it.

6 Comments on Oceans Ecosystem

  1. astrovink25
    May 16, 2017 at 3:22 pm (8 years ago)

    Nate, I loved your Unique Facts paragraph. It was very interesting and It really made me want to read more of your project. I also liked how you said that the ocean is like a whole another world down there. Nice job!

  2. ssaeed25
    May 16, 2017 at 3:27 pm (8 years ago)

    You got me interested in the oceans. I learned a lot about oceans. You are very pacific.

  3. abrav25
    May 16, 2017 at 3:34 pm (8 years ago)

    Nate, First of all great job you had great fact interesting facts, All of the topics provided lots of information added on with some descriptive words. Once again, Great job and most of all great book??!

  4. ehyman25
    May 16, 2017 at 3:35 pm (8 years ago)

    Nate – I think you did a good job including every subtopic! The oceans are a very interesting ecosystem to study. The rain forests are so different! Your information was very interesting. It is so incredible how much of Earth that the oceans take up, while the rain forests take up so little! Overall, I think that you did a great job!

  5. aworman25
    May 16, 2017 at 3:37 pm (8 years ago)

    Your post was fantastic. I like you that you list the producers and consumers. I also like that you connected all of the topics. Great work!

  6. kpersily25
    May 19, 2017 at 5:14 pm (8 years ago)

    Nate your writing was great, it was organized and informative. I really liked the pictures you used for your food web. I really learned a lot!


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