October 13, 2017 1:45 pm. The 5 groups were shooting rockets. The first launch was the NAJC, then second was the Da Humble Rockets, third was the Fantastic Flyers, fourth the Space Jamers and finally the Shooting stars. They got onto the field ready to launch if they weren’t up they would be on the sidelines. The first group is ready to launch. Josh presses the button nothing happened. They go again nothing happened again. They go off to the sidelines they failed. Mr. Josh Potters says “there were 2 reasons why it did not work. 1 reason is that the nose cone was not on properly, also They put the rocket to far down on the launch pad. Da Humble Rockets are up now they are on the field, getting ready for their launch Nate pressed the button it went straight up in the air it was amazing they succeeded. All of the other groups succeeded but one. Lilly’s group failed “she said that at least it went a little bit in the air. Did you ever launch a rocket.