Blog Post Final

The way how we came up with our idea is we were thinking about what we like. One thing that we like is soccer so were making a volley ball go into a soccer net! Leo and I were originally going to make our Rube Goldberg go an turn on the xbox. It was to difficult to make a ball go up into the air and turn on the xbox console. Another difficult problem was that shooting a nerf gun at a book does not always fall down, so we had to shoot the nerf gun at the top of the book because that’s were it’s more light. Even before the project we were going to have to decide who we were going to work with. We decided pretty easy that we were going to work together on this project. Our siblings did this so we already planned on doing this together. One really annoying thing is setting the materials up again and again. This video gave me and Leo some ideas.


We knew that this was to challenging, so we took some of their materials and put it into ours. One material we used was dominos and another one was a ping pong ball. We are having so much fun with this project and we are going to make it the best it could be!!!

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