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  • Safety is very important everywhere, but especially in tech. You need to be safe in tech because you can really hurt yourself for someone else if you use the tool wrong. For example a soldier can get to 850 degrees. That is really hot and that can burn you very badly. Also a hot glue on high can be 248 degrees that can also burn you very bad. That is why you put the hot glue gun on low and on low is still very hot so you can not full around with any materials. Additionally the scissors can be very sharp. They have a very sharp blade. Unlike elementary school these tools have sharp blades and are very hot.

Blog Post #7

My presentation was amazing!!! I had a great time! The experience was amazing because I love performing in front of people. I memorized all of my script so I thought it was easier because I did not have to look at my script. When I got the momentum going it got and better better. I loved this experience because I Loved performing in front of everyone and getting feedback and watching everyone else perform their I loved it because I did really well and because I knew so much about my topic (Concerts!!!) The presentation was my favorite part because I love elaborating one my topic concerts. Also getting really interested in the topic I did because it taught me a lot and it was also a lot of FUN!!!

This is my presentation on concerts!!!

Ted Talk Presentation

My Ted Talk Presentation so far has gone amazingly! The experience has been amazing and also it has been so much fun! I memorized my script very well because I took the time during the day to memorize it, because I wanted to be ahead and I wanted to do really well on this project and I did. Putting the presentation together I think was my favorite and my my best part. I think this because I am very good at putting together slideshow presentations and I just love my topic!!! I loved this whole presentation so far and I can’t wait to finish it I love it and it has taught me so much amazing research about concerts and I loved putting it all together!!!

Site Visit

I went on my site visit to Forest Hills Stadium. I took pictures of everything. It was so cool. It  taught me about where all of the artists were going to be  before the concert. For example, I saw the dressing room. “Everyone that has been here loved the dressing room,” said Becca from Forest Hills Stadium. Everyone loved the furniture and the picture of the Beatles concert. I have been there a bunch of times, and there was so much that I’d never seen before, like the dressing room and under the stage.  Becca gave me the tour and her job is to make sure the fans have a great time. One of the cool things I’ve learned is that most outdoor stages are not as modern as the stages inside.  I was not nervous at all because I already knew these people. I knew them because my dad’s company helps put on the concerts. You might remember this from my previous blog posts.


I just did my interview and my site visit but, I will be just talking about my Interview right now. We all had to make up questions for the person we we’re interviewing,and they had to answer the questions. I interviewed more then one person I interviewed 4!!! First I interviewed Jt who helps artists make music. Next I interviewed Becca who runs a whole stadium called Forest Hills. She makes sure everyone is having a blast. Additionally I interviewed Jason, who also run the stadium but he is mostly in the technical stuff like the stage. Finally I interviewed Lubba, who is a promoter and he is the person who produces the concert. He tells the artist to perform here. The hardest part for me was what their answer was going to be. If they were going to say good question or not. The interview itself was so much fun and got much easier by my 3rd person. However it was harder for me because I had to make up new interview questions for each person because they each do something different. Overall I thought it was so much FUN!!!

The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe

I think that the book so far is amazing!!! I am so excited about what’s going to happen next. I think that the witch has the power right now because she is ruling this whole world called “Narnia”. One example by how she rolls “Narnia” is that she always make it winter without Christmas. Additionally she has a whole army that listen to whatever she says and if they don’t there is a punishment. She even has spies, who are trees and animals. In addition to this, she has a wand that puts people and animals under spells to give her what she wants from them. Finally,worst of all, if the spies don’t do what they are supposed to do then the Queen  makes them into a statue. Like Mr.Tumnus and he can’t even do anything about it, because the Queen literally rules him. So I hope you see how the Queen has all of the power in this book. these are my reasons why I think that the White Witch has the power in this part of the story.


Social Issues

I think the biggest social issue is homelessness. I come across homelessness people a lot, if it’s in  NEW York City or in somewhere else like London.

Homelessness matters to me most because I want everyone to get the best life they can get. No one is more special then someone else so why do they deserve a better life. It’s not fair that for someone that’s rich gets to have the best life, when there is a homeless person who is begging for money and food. Why does the richer person deserve a better life, it’s unfair. Also would you like to live a life like that? No I don’t think so. So we should help homeless people to get a home.

My thoughts about this issue is I think this is unfair. Well one thing is a homeless person has to be in the cold the whole time starving for food. I feel so bad for people that are homeless and not everyone is doing something about. All people say is that I don’t care I don’t know them, well what if that was you or your friend or family member. Then how would you treat the problem. Just doing something about it could make their day. Remember being kind is key so be kind to them their no different from YOU.

It is a huge problem today because it is all over the WORLD. And barely anyone is doing something about it. When I give something to a homeless person it makes my day. I once gave a homeless person my donut. It made me so happy too. It made me know I did the right thing and by being kind it made his day too. So just put in some effort buy being nice to homeless people and how are you going to help?

Space X Launch

The Space Launch was historic because because it was run by Space X not by NASA. Additionally it was historic because no one thought this would work, including Elon Musk. He kept saying that he has been having nightmare about this. He said it kept playing in his head.

I thought it was amazing that a business man started Space X. It said that everyone’s reactions were like mine very very surprised that a low ranked company launched the most powerful rocket now in the world! Named the Falcon Heavy. I was very surprised that most of the rockets have been ran by NASA.

What I’m still wondering is that is NASA going to try to make the most powerful rocket or not.  I bet they will because they are always the best space company. I wonder if there will be a race to see who can try to get their rocket somewhere like Mars?


Blog Post Final

The way how we came up with our idea is we were thinking about what we like. One thing that we like is soccer so were making a volley ball go into a soccer net! Leo and I were originally going to make our Rube Goldberg go an turn on the xbox. It was to difficult to make a ball go up into the air and turn on the xbox console. Another difficult problem was that shooting a nerf gun at a book does not always fall down, so we had to shoot the nerf gun at the top of the book because that’s were it’s more light. Even before the project we were going to have to decide who we were going to work with. We decided pretty easy that we were going to work together on this project. Our siblings did this so we already planned on doing this together. One really annoying thing is setting the materials up again and again. This video gave me and Leo some ideas.


We knew that this was to challenging, so we took some of their materials and put it into ours. One material we used was dominos and another one was a ping pong ball. We are having so much fun with this project and we are going to make it the best it could be!!!

Blog Post #4

Leo and I have a lot of ideas of what we will do next. We are very sure that it will work no matter how many tries it takes us. The only thing that might be annoying is to put everything back up again. We are almost done and we are very sure of all the materials we are going to use now. Leo and I are also making a slideshow. We are also going to make it 12 steps, not a lot of repetitive steps.

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