Leo and I are about to do our next steps. We are going to stack dominoes up a box and then hit a marble and go down the box and then something else will happen. Leo and I decided that I will shoot the bullet and the starting books and Leo will say whatever step it is. We are going to make everything equal.
Leo and I are going to make a slideshow on we video. We are almost half way done and we are playing again on Thursday, we are ready to do our next steps. I am going to watch some videos on Rube Goldberg. I can not wait to get deeper into this project. Leo and I are going to try to follow our sketch completely.
Leo and I are almost halfway through our Rube Goldberg. We decided that we are going to do about 12 steps. We have a lot of experience because we have siblings that have done this before. Our siblings were very successful. We are going to be even better. Our machine is going to turn on the xbox console. We are going to make it a real awesome reaction. We are doing it at Leos house. We have already finished our sketch.
Rube Goldberg is so much fun. I can not wait to get even farther in this project. Leo and I are having a blast. We have already done our first step. We are knocking down books first, and that’s all we know for right now.
We are making our Rube Goldberg go from the attic to the basement and turn on the xbox console. We are planning on making it 15 steps. We are going to try to make it epic.
Rocketry Reflection
I learned a lot about arrow dinamics. Also I learned a lot about drag. One thing I learned about building our rocket is you need and should not use heavy materials but not to light materials. You should use cardboard I think because it is not to light or to heavy.
It really helped having more than one launch. It helped because if you messed up than you know what you did wrong and could fix it. If you messed up you would want to mess up on the 1st launch so you could fix the mistakes for the other 3. I’m really happy that my group and me did really well and we even got over 40 degrees for our first launch. Also none of us really had experience.
I learned a lot of group collaboration throughout this project. I loved doing it with all of my friends to. It was a great learning experience. If I could do it again the only thing I would fix is make a thick body for the 2nd launch. I loved the group part about rocketry and it was all so much fun.
On September 6, 2017 the basketball courts have been closed. Everyone is mad about it. No one can play basketball.
Aviv Brav in 5c says that “it is outrages because we are in 5th Grade we have more privileges. Aviv is an all star player and he needs to practice and he and everyone else loves the game of basketball. Aviv also said that at least we have a new playground.” People want to play the game and the construction people said that it will be done hopefully by April and basketball players want to play and now there is nowhere to play. How would you feel if you couldn’t play basketball at school.
October 13, 2017 1:45 pm. The 5 groups were shooting rockets. The first launch was the NAJC, then second was the Da Humble Rockets, third was the Fantastic Flyers, fourth the Space Jamers and finally the Shooting stars. They got onto the field ready to launch if they weren’t up they would be on the sidelines. The first group is ready to launch. Josh presses the button nothing happened. They go again nothing happened again. They go off to the sidelines they failed. Mr. Josh Potters says “there were 2 reasons why it did not work. 1 reason is that the nose cone was not on properly, also They put the rocket to far down on the launch pad. Da Humble Rockets are up now they are on the field, getting ready for their launch Nate pressed the button it went straight up in the air it was amazing they succeeded. All of the other groups succeeded but one. Lilly’s group failed “she said that at least it went a little bit in the air. Did you ever launch a rocket.
1: ¿Qué nuevo vocabulario usaste?
-education fisica
2: ¿Qué nuevas preguntas usaste?
-A qué hora vas a Heathcote?
-A qué hora es la clase de inglés?
-A qué hora es la clase de arte?
3: How would you grade your work on this Screencast? (sobresaliente = A) (notable = B)
4: After listening to your screencast what words do you feel you could have practiced more? Quiero practicar las palabras ………
5: How could you use this new vocabulary outside of Spanish class?
If I ever need to ask someone where to find one of those places
By Nate
Where it is located
are 5 different oceans. The Pacific Ocean, the Atlantic Ocean, the Arctic Ocean, Southern Ocean and the Indian Ocean.
Oceans takes up 71% of the world, which is 3 quarters of the world.
There are three groups. They are carnivores, herbivores, and omnivores. In the carnivores group you have some of the most popular fish and mammals in the world in this category like sharks, dolphins, and the killer whale. The most popular herbivores are green sea turtles and manatees.
There are some producers in the ocean. Most producers in the ocean are plants. One is a microscopic plant that floats in the ocean floor. There is another one and it’s made from the ground, both of those plants are producers and they give food and nutrients to other things in the ocean. Some things in the ocean don’t need those plants they get their food they get it through photosynthesis.
Unique in the ocean
There are a lot of things unique in the ocean. Under the water it is cold and kind of hot it depends which ocean you’re in, for example the Arctic Ocean it is cold and the Atlantic ocean it is a little hotter. Sharks in the ocean are pretty strange. Most sharks eat other sharks like Great White sharks sometimes eat hammerhead sharks. It is like a whole different world in the ocean.
Primary consumers in the ocean include zooplankton, small fish, and crustaceans. The secondary consumers are fish, coral, penguins, whales, and other species that eat the zooplankton. The top predators in the ocean, sharks, killer whales, and leopard seals, eat both primary and secondary consumers. Those are some consumers in the ocean.
Human Impact
It’s bad that some people throw plastic bags in the ocean it is bad because it can kill animals. Storms and other dangerous things that kill important species like fish other animals can’t get any food so they’ll also die. That is why we need to be careful of what we throw away and if somebody kills an animal it is bad because then when a important specie like a fish, if it dies some of the Eco system relies on it.