5th Grade Fun

Have you ever realized that it was finally the first day back at school? If you’re like me, you had mixed emotions about the first day of school. But I can list a few very fun things that I have enjoyed in Fifth Grade, and things I am very excited to do this year.

Fifth grade has had a lot of fun things so far, but there are three things that stand out for me. The first thing I’ve really enjoyed is going to our Physical Education (P.E.) classes. P.E. is one of my favorite activities for two reasons. Number one is I really like being active and playing sports, which is what you do in P.E. The other reason is that it helps keep your body stretched and healthy. The second thing is 5th Grade free choice of where to sit in the cafeteria. This is because I have gained so many friends all over the years, and I have created strong relationships with them. Several of these friends are in the other class now, so I don’t get to see them as much. The free choice of where to sit in the cafeteria lets me have some time to catch up with them. The third thing is The Index Card Challenge. This is because it was a very fun and hard challenge, but also it really helped with teamwork. It also encouraged thinking outside the box and patience, because we had to work hard balancing the cards on top of each other. It was also really good to have fun while also learning. Those are the three things on my list that really stood out for me this far in Fifth Grade.

This year in Fifth Grade there are so many great things that are going to happen, but these three things just really seem the best to me. First is Hot Dog Field Day. This is because you get to be outside all day and get to play tug of war, but you also get to play other really fun things. You also get to eat one of my favorite foods like hot dogs. The Moving Up ceremony is the second thing on my list because it is such a memorable thing to move out of elementary school. Also, there is going to be a big moving up party. Where you get to do so many fun things like tug of war, kickball, or dogdeball. Bedford Ropes Trip is the third thing on my list because I love field trips. I also love doing things like climbing or walking on rope bridges, and that’s exactly what you do on the Bedford Ropes trips. Those are the three things I am looking forward to most this school  year.

I just shared three things I’ve enjoyed, and three things I am looking forward to this fifth grade year. Now, what have you enjoyed this year and why? What are you looking forward to this year and why?

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