Capstone Journey


My fifth grade research based capstone project has had its ups and downs. In this blog post I will be talking about my capstone experience for doing my research, writing my essay, choosing between a TED Talk or WeVideo, and completing my TED Talk. So keep on reading to find out more!

Many things went well for capstone, one reason it went well is because of the topic I picked to write about and another because of the timing of doing my research. One example of what went well for the topic I picked for capstone is, it was very easy to find some of the articles that had the research I wanted to get. That is because when I was trying to search up for the articles I was trying to find, there weren’t any random sites with random facts I didn’t want. That is because there are only 3 million modern architects in the world currently, compared to the other jobs that have tens or hundreds of million people working in that job. So whenever I wanted to find what I was looking for, there wouldn’t be a lot of random things about my one topic. One example of what went well for the timing of doing my research for capstone is, I didn’t feel stressed for how much time I had to do my research. That is because we had a really long time to finish everything, so I felt less pressure on my shoulders to be doing research for my capstone every second of the day. In summary, many things went well for capstone, from the topic I picked to write about and to the timing of doing my research.

When writing my essay it was pretty challenging, from creating my layout, to converting my research into an essay, and editing everything myself. The reason why it was hard for me to do my layout was because it was hard from my perspective, to figure out what should be in what place. The reason why converting my research into an essay  was hard for me, was because I had never really done something quite like that. So I didn’t really know what to put in my writing, and what to keep out of my writing. The reason why editing everything for myself was challenging was because it was hard for me to change a lot of my own writing. I say that because I had worked really hard for my writing, and it felt weird to me to have to change a lot of it. My main inquiry question was “what are the top ways modern architecture affects society?” To answer that question, I researched how modern architecture affects the work environment, sports stadiums, people with disabilities, and the environment. Capstone Essay Link. In summary, doing my layout, converting my research to my essay, and editing my essay was pretty challenging throughout writing my capstone essay.

I chose a TED Talk for a few reasons, one reason was because I wanted to experience talking to parents about the topic I was interested about, another reason was because I thought about how I had done a WeVideo many times though I have never done a TED Talk before. The reason why I wanted to talk about the topic I was interested in to the parents is, I would be able to share what I think about a topic to people that might not have thought that way about the topic. It would also be something new that I had never done before, especially doing it infront of parents. The reason why I had thought about how I had done a WeVideo many times though I have never done a TED Talk before is because, throughout 3-5 grade I have done at least 4 WeVideos. While for TED Talks, from 3-5 grade I haven’t done 1 before until I was going to do capstone. I also just wanted to try and do something new for a project, instead of doing something I have already done. When completing my script for the TED Talk, it was pretty easy to me, because all I really had to do was just copy the words from the narrative. Then I just had to figure out the timing, and what picture I was going to use for each slide. The most enjoyable part of my script template was seeing how much I was getting done so fast. That is because it showed me I was getting closer and closer to being able to complete my capstone assignment. One of the challenges I faced was making sure that each slide was under 15 seconds. The reason why it was challenging was because I had to make sure I didn’t cut any sentence in half, while worrying about the timing. Ted Talk Script Template. In summary I chose to do a TED Talk because I wanted to experience talking to parents about the topic I was interested in. Another reason was because I thought about how I had done a WeVideo many times though I have never done a TED Talk before. And there was a process to how I created my template, what I enjoyed about it, and the challenges I faced.

The process of completing my TED Talk had its ups and downs. The thing I enjoyed most about completing my TED Talk was memorizing the script, that is because I felt so accomplished for being able to memorize something that was 5 minutes of speech, that I had to learn from off the top of my head. It also made me realize if I could do that then I could do many other things that seemed impossible, though in reality weren’t. The thing that was challenging was having to memorize my TED Talk script, even though I enjoyed it I also found it most challenging. That is because even though it wasn’t the most challenging to memorize each slide, it was really hard to remember the order, when to switch the slide, and what slide goes with what. It took me a lot of hours of hard work to be able to get closer and closer to memorizing the full thing. And it was far more challenging than picking out the pictures that match what I was talking about, while not being blurry. In summary, the process of completing my TED Talk had its ups and downs for a number of reasons.

In conclusion, capstone has been a really fun project with its ups and downs for multiple reasons. Now that I have finished this project, try and think how your capstone experience went for you.

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