
Finally today was the day that I was going to find out about my weather group. I was so nervous and excited since I knew it was going to be a big project. We were all sitting in our seats waiting for who was going to be called in for our groups. I didn’t mind which weather group I will be in since they are all just similar, because they are just a regular weather event. And my weather group is… Tornadoes! I was so excited to just get started researching.

When I was doing the research for my weather event of Tornadoes, on the first day it was really hard. And so was on the second day because I was doing the research wrong. But by the third day since I kept on doing more research and  kept on practicing it started to become easier and easier. And now it finally made sense and I started doing three to two pages per day. Now it was the fourth and last day of research I was pretty excited that I was getting closer and closer to be presenting my ignite.

Now that research was over I had to write a narrative. I knew I would have to take the most important parts of my research and put it in my narrative. That took about one to three days, because I had to get all the good words into my narrative. I found it a little bit easy since I had already done that in an old unit. Now it was time to put my good words and details from my narrative into my script because my entire speaking of the presentation was thirty seconds. Now that I have done that I realized a problem, a big one. My script was too long. My script had to be thirty seconds, it was forty. This was a big problem to me because I thought I had all the best parts in, and I could have, but I had to cut out a part. It was hard to decide, so I stuck with it for a few days until one of my friends told me I was reading my script way too fast. And that is when I decided I needed to make a change. I looked over everything twice, that is when I realized a big part that was there for no reason. So I made a big decision, and that was to delete that part. Now by that time I was already done reading and fixing my script. Now it was time for memorizing.

At first I thought that memorizing the ENTIRE script was going to be impossible, because I have never actually been able to memorize something so well that I can read it in my head. So I got pretty worried, after every single day after working on it for homework and school I still couldn’t memorize. I just didn’t get why it didn’t click for me. After two days of memorizing I only got to memorize my introduction. I was in a pretty bad position. It was now Monday and the real presentation was on Monday next week. I still had some hope in myself thankfully. Now it was Tuesday and I somehow had actually memorized but I couldn’t read it out loud until today. At first I had no self confidence in memorizing it this morning, but then it just started to click. And it got easier and easier and easier.

But for one of the first times of working on my script other people in my class had the same problem as me too. The problem was my pacing. I had it timed out in everything but I just got kind of nervous and spoke too fast. I realized that I was getting closer and closer to the real presentation. (It was Thursday). On Friday I really didn’t get nervous anymore since I had practiced it in front of the class many times. It was now Saturday and I kept on getting better and better with my pacing and memorizing. And the same type of work I put in on Saturday I did the same thing on Sunday. Now it was the day, the day I have been waiting for, for one and a half months. I was ready to do the big presentation, and you are allowed to see it.


Tornado/ Tsunami Venn Diagram

For the Venn Diagram, it was much easier for me to do Tornadoes effects than Tsunamis effects. Because I already had my research for Tornadoes but I just had to get the good words out of it, but for the Tsunamis I had to do all my research and get the good words out of it again. They were similar because they were both effects.

Welcome To My Blog!

Welcome To My Blog!

This is a space for me to write and publish work I have done from 3rd grade forward. Everything I publish here is stuff I am proud of and is part of my learning process as I grow as a student and a writer. I will be able to look back on this blog as I get older and have long portfolio of my work for when I am ready to go to college.