Immigrant Documentary

Have you ever made a documentary about someone? Well I just have, in this blog post I will be talking about the process of making my video, and what I have learned as a result of this project. So keep on reading to find out more!

My experience making the video wasn’t as good as I had thought it would be. That is because, when I started doing my script I thought I was in a really good position, and felt like I was a step ahead of everybody else. That was until I realized I had to change my whole script to sound just like a story, not a narrative. That step back felt really bad, because I had spent a lot of time on my script just to know I had to change the whole thing. After I had finally finished my script, I had to get photos, and not only photos from my dad who was my interviewee. But I also had to get photos that fully matched my script, and that were also from wevideo. So that wasn’t very good either. After I had finished getting all my pictures and putting them all into place, which also wasn’t the best. I had to do a voice over. To me it was like a breath of fresh air, because it was really easy compared to the other things I had to do. That is because for the voice over all you had to do was just read your script, and try to match up with your pictures. In all, my experience making the video wasn’t the greatest.

I had learned many things as a result from the immigration project. I learned a lot of things that I didn’t know before about my dad that I know now. Like how he taught at both Brandeis and Harvard, I only knew that he just taught, and I didn’t even know where. Another thing I learned as a result of the project was conducting an interview. Like I learned how to pace myself and wait for the interviewee to stop and think about the question, and don’t stop them when they are talking, and also nod to show them I am understanding what they are saying. One more thing that I learned as a result of the project was how to create a proper video. I had made many videos before, but for this one it was the longest and I had to put most work into it. I have also only done one other video this year, and because it wasn’t just last week I remembered and learned new things. Like how to customize the photos, or edit and change the music. In all, I learned many things as a result from the immigration project.

In conclusion, in this blog post I talked about the process of making my video, and what I had learned as a result of this project. So now that I have finished my immigration project, have you ever done an immigration project?