Fifth Grade Art

Everybody has made art right? Well this year I have finished my fifth grade art journey, where I have made many pieces of art. Art Pieces. In this blog post I will be talking about what I found most enjoyable and what I found most challenging this art year, and I will also be talking about which art piece took the longest to make and which art piece took the shortest amount of time to make this year. So keep reading to find out more!

Art pieces could be split up by what you find most enjoyable, and what you find most challenging. The art piece I found most enjoyable to make was the futuristic city art piece. That is because I felt like I was able to make whatever I imagined and put onto my paper. I also felt so much freedom, and there weren’t any restrictions because it was “your futuristic city” so you can make “your” things in it. I liked this freedom because it helped me not to focus on anything, just you have to draw whatever you had thought about drawing. You also didn’t need to make anything realistic or unrealistic, which was another freedom I really liked. The art piece I found most challenging was the scream of nature art piece. There are a few examples why that was the most challenging, one example is, it was pretty hard to create something that could look like it’s screaming. That was because of the way the hands were positioned and the way the mouth was open. It was also hard to create a person perfectly positioned just like in the actual painting. So once you mess up, you are going to have to create a whole new topic of your scream of nature. In summary, I had one art piece I found most enjoyable, and one art piece I found most challenging.

Some art pieces could take a really long time to make, and some could take a short time to make. One art piece that took a long time to make was the husky art piece. The reason why it took a long time was, first I had to make the back of the paper that had a print picture of a husky fully black using a charcoal pen. Once I had done that, I had to tape a blank piece of paper to the fully black side of the paper. After I had done all those steps I was able to trace the husky print photo onto a blank piece of paper, once I had an outline of the husky I traced it in with a sharpie. Once I had the trace of it, inside I put in crosslines, normal lines, and mini dots to fill in the husky. That process took a really long time to make, and to top off the whole project I had to paint a whole background. The art piece that took me the shortest amount was the painting that was like a forest with large trees and more. The reason why it took me the shortest, was because I had to trace around pieces of paper to make the outline of a tree. Then I made lines to try and make it look realistic, then I made a forest-like background with small trees and sunset colors. After I had done all of that I splashed white paint on it to make it look like it’s snowing. This took the shortest amount of time because each step was easy and quick to make. In summary, there was one art piece that took me a really long time to make, and one art piece that took the shortest amount of time to make.

In conclusion, I talked about the art pieces that were most enjoyable to make and what was most challenging to make. I also talked about which art piece took the longest time to make and which art piece took the shortest amount of time to make this year. Now that my fifth grade art year is finished, try and think about what was your favorite art piece to make this year and why?