Bedford Ropes Obstacle Course

Have you ever done obstacle courses? Have you ever pushed your body to the limits? In this blog post I am going to talk about my favorite courses, and the things I learned. So keep on reading to find out what happens.

There were many fun courses that I did on the Bedford Ropes Trip, but these were my top three favorite things that I did. The first fun thing I did was the Rope Swing, it was so fun and hard, it also used a lot of teamwork. This is because you have to jump on a rope without touching the ground, and your teammates have to help push you to the platform. The goal was to get everyone on the platform. Though we didn’t beat it, in the end it was so fun, and I think a lot more people other than me also really liked it. The second thing I really enjoyed is the Balance Beam course. Even though it didn’t take any teamwork, it still used a lot of balance and strength to complete. On the course we had to go across balance beam to balance beam, then we had to balance on very thin ropes to the end. The third thing is the Indiana Jones Walk. This used more teamwork than personal strength. This is because we had to stand on wooden logs to get to the next two platforms. People had to stand on the back of the logs, then somebody jumped to the next platform. The goal again is to get everyone to the last platform. In conclusion, the three courses were all so fun, and it was such a great experience.

Not only did I enjoy Bedford Ropes Trip, but I learned about myself, my classmates, and teamwork. I learned a few things about myself. The first thing I learned about myself is how much easier it is to do things with teamwork. I figured this out, because in the Rope Swing course I needed my classmates to help me get momentum to swing, and get on the platform. I never really realized how hard it could have been without teamwork. I learned something important about my classmate Niko. The thing I learned about him is how helpful he can be. This is because he was always motivating me and my classmates, by helping and guiding them on what to do on the courses. The thing I learned about teamwork is that everyone can do it. I realized this when we were doing the Indiana Jones Walk. Everybody was working together to help and get the next person to the platform, which used a lot more teamwork than I thought. In all, on this trip I learned about myself, my classmates, and teamwork.

This grade trip to Bedford Ropes really made me realize how much you can improve teamwork from obstacle courses. What course would you like the most of the three Bedford Ropes Trip courses I stated?