Narrating my spark video was a challenge. First I had to decide whether I wanted to talk about my project and explain a little about it or go right into immigration. I chose to explain a little about my project. I chose this because I wanted the reader to know why I was making the video. I also wanted the reader to know where I was getting my information. For example, I explained that I had to write questions for my interview and based on what I learned in the unit I made my Adobe Spark video.
I also really enjoy narrating my video after I fixed the problems because I could talk about it how I wanted to. For example, I wanted to change the music in my video from the one that they automatically give you to a more depressed and sad sound. I did that because I felt that immigration was a sad and painful time for many immigrants. I also tried to make my voice in the recordings sound sad and tired like most of the immigrants were. I think that overall narrating my own video is a benefit for a couple a of reasons. First was because I could make the video however I wanted. My second reason was could do it whenever I want instead of having to coordinate timing with a whole group. I can not wait to start my next blog post.