September 2021 archive

Welcome to 5th Grade!

I’m back! and I’m in 5th grade now, I remember the last time I made a blog post was about 2 years ago or a bit less. I remember when covid first started my whole class was so happy we didn’t have school for a week. Then it became 2 weeks and then 3 , 4 , 5 , and a whole lot more. I remember I thought it was just a  virus that would come and go like the flu, but I would have never thought it would become what it did. I don’t really like having to wear masks at school but at least we can actually come to school. Online school was hard and strange and last year I didn’t like the whole cohort thing but now everything is getting back to normal and I’m happy to be back. I’m looking forward to doing rocket science, I think it will be really cool.