January 2022 archive

Constitution Project

In this project we each had to choose an amendment, then we had to choose a person or thing to focus on. I chose the nineteenth amendment and decided to do my project on Lucy stone. I chose the nineteenth amendment because it is the women’s right to vote, and I chose to do Lucy stone because I was inspired by her and all her amazing accomplishments. I wanted to show everyone that both men and women can do amazing things and change the world. The research was the most important part of the project because that was the information I would later be sharing with my classmates and teacher in my final project. I enjoyed researching because in all of the articles, books and videos I watched, I learned something new. After researching we needed to write an essay, I gathered all the information I learned and put it together so that part wasn’t that hard, but it wasn’t easy either because I also had to find out how to word it so it could be perfect. One of the hardest parts of this project for me was making my script. I had to include all the most important information I learned, and have it be timed. After making my script it was time to make my slideshow. I enjoyed looking for pictures to match what I was talking about. I think making my slideshow was my favorite part. The second most hard part was the screencast. I recorded it multiple times because I kept messing up or I knew it could be better. I got two good recordings then I chose the best one. 

Overall I really liked this whole project and I think it was a good experience because it will help with my capstone later in the year. 

If you want to watch my completed project here’s a link: https://watch.screencastify.com/v/YR4uoz4Meml2RsehoBm6