Immigration project (Interview) – Blog Post #1

A few weeks ago, Ms.Edwards told us that we would be doing a immigration project. Before she explained what we would be doing, I thought it would be something like writing a story about an immigrant or something, but then Ms.Edwards showed us a video of a former student’s project. When we were assigned to interview an immigrant for the project, I was thinking about doing my parents but I didn’t really think they’re story was that interesting, and I knew that my mom knew that her friend’s housekeeper had a really interesting immigration story.

Thinking of questions wasn’t that hard, I just thought of what information I wanted to include in my wevideo later and based my questions off of that. After I ran out of ideas, resources that I found helpful were seeing other students’ questions and I also found a document that ms.edwards shared with us named sample immigration interview questions helpful too. My immigrant only speaks Spanish so I did consider writing the questions on the doc in both English and Spanish but I decided to not do that because I wasn’t quite sure if we were allowed to. Overall I think that writing the questions was one of the easiest steps of this project.

Before conducting my interview, I was a bit nervous. We had agreed to do the interview on friday at 3:35 pm but after my dad picked me up from school my sister wanted to play on the school playground so then I had forgotten that I had my interview, luckily I realized after like 5 minutes of playing on the playground and we went straight home. I texted my immigrant and apologized for being late. I also asked if she could give me a couple minutes to get ready before we called for the interview.  She was really nice and we ended up doing the interview at 3:45 a bit late from what we planned but it worked just fine. Conducting the interview wasn’t that hard, I just needed to ask questions and listen. After asking her all the questions on my list I actually started coming up with more specific questions after I knew her story and her responses were really interesting.

Overall, I’m really liking this project so far and I can’t wait to do my we video.  I was really intrigued by my immigrant Sandra’s story and i’m  really grateful that she decided to share her immigration story with me.

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