Immigrant project (Video) – Blog Post #2

For the last couple weeks my class and I have been doing an immigration WeVideo project. We started the project by asking an immigrant to interview them, then we needed to come up with at least 20 questions. The next day we needed to narrow the questions down to 15, after that we revised the questions with a partner and alone. When our questions were revised and perfect we interviewed the immigrants and then later we asked them for pictures. Then we needed to make a script & plan for our video and the last step of the project was to make our WeVideo with all the pictures had and all the information we learned about our immigrants. 

Making the video was really easy since I just had to go off the script and plan I already had for my video. The only thing I had trouble with was uploading  one picture of my immigrant, I tried uploading it multiple times and I realized that it wasn’t uploading because I was connected to the wrong WiFi, so my problem was easily fixed. I really liked choosing music that really went along with the story and it didn’t take me long to find it. I also really liked making my WeVideo. Gathering all the information I had learned and matching it with the pictures and adding narration was really cool because  it really helped bring the story to life.

This project taught me a lot. I learned a lot of interesting stuff about immigration in general and about my immigrant. I liked learning to conduct an interview because it might help me in the future and if it wasn’t for this project I might not have learned how to conduct it and make it successful. I did learn some new stuff about making the WeVideo but I already knew the basic stuff from working with WeVideo before.

Overall this project was really fun, interesting and it taught me a lot.

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