Capstone: The Interview (Blog post #2)

In my past blog post I have explained that my class is doing a project called capstone. For our capstone project we needed to find someone to interview. I thought that this was the easiest part of the project but a really fun and interesting one too.

Finding who to interview was fortunately really easy for me. Ms.Edwards and the other fifth grade teachers at heathcote gave out a letter to the parents explaining the whole capstone project, when my mom read it she asked me what my topic was and luckily for me I had an uncle who was a film producer, had his own company and knew a lot about CGI. My mom texted him to ask if I could interview him and I emailed two other experts and people that knew a lot about CGI  just in case he couldn’t do it or didn’t want to and because we were instructed to contact at least 3 people. The two people I emailed didn’t respond but luckily my uncle Geronimo agreed to do the interview.

The interview went really well. I learned a lot of things that I couldn’t have found in websites, books or articles. Geronimo had really good answers to my questions that I think will really help me a lot with my research. He also helped me understand some parts of my research better, one part of my research mentioned something called a unreal engine and it said that it really helped revolutionize CGI in films which answers part of my main inquiry question but it didn’t really explain or say what the unreal engine was but Geronimo talked about it as part of his answer to a question and he really helped me understand what it was and helped me complete my notes by saying what it is and how it has revolutionized the film industry.

The interview really helped me a lot with my research and I can’t wait to put it all together in the next step of the capstone project process!

1 Comment on Capstone: The Interview (Blog post #2)

  1. Cat Lover Cayden
    June 17, 2022 at 1:55 am (2 years ago)

    I liked how you gave a lot of details about your interview.


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