Capstone: Answering My Main Inquiry Question and Working on My Final Product (Blog post #3)

For the past month my class has been working on our capstone projects and capstone is now coming to an end. It was a long, hard but fun process with many steps, first we needed to chose a topic then do a bit of research on it, after that we needed to interview an expert about our topic then we needed to do more research, and after we needed to combine all our research in attempt to answer out main inquiry question after we did that, we needed to do make our script and then the funnest part getting to make our slideshow for our presentation and then we needed to memorize our script and then the final step of presenting it.

Last blog post I talked about the interview, so now I’m going to tell you about answering my main inquiry question, making my slideshow and making & memorizing my script.

Answering my main inquiry question was a bit hard at first. I didn’t know how to mix all my notes and information I wrote and make them make sense in an essay answering my main inquiry question. My first draft of my essay was good but I knew I could make it better so I edited it and fixed a few things. Mrs.Edwards made partnerships to give and receive feedback, I got paired with my best friend Chloe G. Chloe G is a great writer and gave me really good feedback that helped my essay be a lot better and more organized.

The next step was making our script. Making our script was mostly easy, it was a bit tricky to convert my essay into my script because I needed to choose what I needed to put in my script and what I needed to cut out. Timing was also a bit tricky because I needed my presentation to be under 5 minutes.

The final step was making my slideshow, this was really fun because I got to choose pictures to match what I was saying and bring value to my presentation.

In conclusion this project has been really fun and I cant wait to present it at capcon.


This is a link to my essay:

This is a link to my slideshow:

2 Comments on Capstone: Answering My Main Inquiry Question and Working on My Final Product (Blog post #3)

  1. Christian the religion
    June 14, 2022 at 2:03 pm (2 years ago)

    I like how you said what was tricky and what was hard. I also like how in the intro you resaid all the steps and said what you will be talking about.

  2. Cat Lover Cayden
    June 17, 2022 at 1:49 am (2 years ago)

    I liked how you showed that you were an expert at this stuff, or that you just wrote it to make it seem like you were a expert.


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