Archive of ‘Writing’ category

Feature article reflection

Feature Article Reflection

by Natalia


I really liked the whole process of writing and creating my feature article, even though some parts were a bit hard. I worked really hard on it, and I’m happy to see that my classmates enjoyed mine.

About a month ago, when Ms.Edwards told us we were going to do feature articles, I immediately knew I wanted to do sharks. I wanted to do this because they are really amazing creatures, and also my favorite animal. I really wanted to show people that sharks aren’t as bad as they think, and I achieved it.

 I loved researching. I tried to pick the most interesting and cool facts, and I think I did well.  The writing process wasn’t my favorite because I didn’t like having to edit and revise everything at the end but everything else was great.

  My title was really easy to come up with since I just named it “Sharks”. I had a lot of ideas for my subtitle, but it was hard to choose between them, so everyone made a Google Form for the whole class to vote on.  I ended up phrasing my subtitle “The amazing creatures of the deep”. 

Something that worried me the most during the writing process was coming up with the perfect introduction. I couldn’t decide what type of introduction I wanted to do, so I did sort of a mix of different styles of introductions and I loved how it turned out! Another thing that was tricky was figuring out how to make a conclusion that really pieced together the whole feature article. My favorite part of the unit was making my feature article in Google Slideshow. I liked adding all the pictures and seeing it all put together. 

 I enjoyed the publishing party a lot. I not only got to read almost everyone’s amazing feature articles, but I also got to share mine and get really cool comments.  According to all my comments, my classmate’s favorite things in my feature article are: my images, my facts, and my conclusion! 

I really enjoyed this whole unit and I hope you like my feature article.