Rube Goldberg #1

We are doing the Rube Goldberg project. If you don’t know what a Rube Goldberg project is, it is a simple task done by a complex chain reaction. We can do the project up to 3 people. The members  in my group are Danielle and Corina. For our simple task we are going to drop an egg. We are going to start simple and start with some dominos to start the chain reaction. We looked at movies on the internet for inspiration and we also looked through Danielle’s “toy closet” and found some things we can use such as marbles, string, and jenga bricks.

Overall, I think the experience of making a Rube Goldberg project is fun. It is a fun way to learn I think physics and chain reactions. I will update you on our Rube Goldberg project on my blog!

Martin Luther King Jr.

Today in school I heard and read the “I Have a Dream” speech by Martin Luther King Jr. We were asked if Dr. King’s speech was realized.

I say that his speech was realized and was not. The reason why I think his speech was realized was that there is no more segregation, like colored people on one side of the bus and white people on the other or colored people drinking from one water fountain and white people drinking from another. One more thing is that colored people going to one school and white people going to another. There is nothing like that now because of Freedom.

His speech also hasn’t been realized also because there has been people who don’t want black people to be treated equally. For example some jobs don’t take in people because of their skin tone. They also don’t get respect because of their skin tone.

If you want to see Martin Luther King Jr. timeline, click the link below.


Should Cursive be Taught in School?

Today in class, we read a TFK article on “Should Cursive be Taught in School?”. The articles talks about if kids should learn cursive or not.

In my opinion I think that you should learn to write cursive. It is really handy to learn it. I think this because, first if you have very old important documents you can read it. Like if you visit Washington D.C you could read the important documents written. I also think that cursive should be taught because it can be important later on in jobs or life. I also think that writing cursive is just easier and more fun. The states haven’t passed a law about how cursive shouldn’t be taught in school but I think that they shouldn’t do it at all.

Cloning Animals

Today our class read an article about cloning. Cloning is when you get a cell or DNA and duplicate the animal you got the DNA or cell from. For example, if you had a pet hamster and got some DNA from it, you could clone the hamster.

I think that cloning animals is good and bad. One reason why I think its good is because you can get the same pet again using cells that they had. Scientists are happy about this because they can study about extinct animals and they can save lives of endangered animals. One reason why it is bad is because the new animal could lead to many things in the future like defects and trouble with organs.

Feature article- Diwali

In school since October, we have been working on feature articles. We did our feature articles on Pages. Feature articles are okay to make. They are kind of hard and kind of easy. Thing that were hard for me were remembering some little details. Things that were easy was writing and picking article designs and formatting.

I did my feature article on Diwali. If you want to check my article out go to the link below!


Presenting our Rocketry slides

Our class has been doing a rocketry unit since September to December. We built, launched, graphed, and reflected on our rockets throughout the unit. Today was our class rocketry presentations and my group went second to last. We talked about how our group did and what changes we did for rockets, but we mostly talked about the process of the rockets.

While we were going up to present, I was really nervous and thinking I was going to mess up. Time flew by and then we finished so quickly. So when we finished I was proud of our group and especially myself. If someone asked our group to do rocketry again I think that my whole group will say YES!

Character traits in “Pax”

In the book Pax by Sara Pennypacker, a character named Vola is a complex person, with both a caring and a tough side. She shows her caring side when she takes in a boy named Peter who broke his ankle. Vola takes care of Peter until his leg is healed. On her tough she she wants to know everything about Peter and she threatens Peter to talk. Also Vola is like a mother to Peter. Evidence to support this theory is that Vola made crutches and fed him food. I think that Vola is also really suspicious because she wants to know why Peter just wandered on to Vola’s property. Overall, I think Vola has a motherly side to her and a tough side.

Building an oil pipeline in through Native American sites

In my opinion I think that building an oil plant is a good thing and a bad thing. I think it is bad because it could ruin the tribes land. One reason I think that this is because people are building on their land so it is not only not okay it is also not fair. It is not fair because the government aren’t thinking about the Native Americans and that it is their land.

I also think that this is good because if there is a less chance of oil to spill out. One reason that it won’t be dangerous is because a train that is on train tracks, and it has oil, it could spill out any time, though it will make serious damage, but if you have an oil pipeline it is a safer way for oil to travel than a train so it is good.

I my opinion I think that Native American tribes should get the decision to have the pipeline or not because they have the right to speak up. Since they are American citizens and they are native to this country, they can have the right to protest and have freedom of speech.


Sphero SPRK+

Using a Sphero SPRK+ was so cool. It was really difficult at first but it got easy towards the end.

First what everyone did was wait for their name to be called out with a partner and get a Sphero and an ipad. After that Ms.Pavia and Ms.Edwards took us to the meeting room to test the Spheros out. We started off with drive mode which is when you use a joystick to control it. It was really hard when we tried it out for the first time. At first, I didn’t know what to do so my partner showed me and said the blue dot needs to be facing you. After that we went on to some coding programs and it was ok. Then Ms.Pavia and Ms.Edwards told us a challenge and you had to get your Sphero from one point to another. When we started we had no clue why it was going diagonal while everyone else was ahead. Ms.Pavia and Ms.Edwards got all of us into a group and showed us why only ours didn’t work and it is because the blue dot wasn’t facing us. We tried again and we got it, we did other challenges and that was to code a way for our Sphero to go in a square. Only a few groups got it so we did it until it was time to go. I really liked using the Sphero SPRK+.


2016 election

In the 2016 election, Donald Trump had been elected. I don’t like him because he has a lot of things on his mind and wants to do it all while being president. He wants to build a wall between Mexico and America and wants the Mexicans to pay for it.Trump has so many things up his mind that he won’t make any Americans happy. Trump wants to lower taxes when doesn’t pay his own. Also Trump wants to get rid of Obamacare. Obamacare is important to people and if he gets rid of it people will be in need of healthcare. I wonder how he will manage all of these things he wants to do for America on his own.