Have you ever interviewed someone to have a good time or discover something new about this person’s life? Well this is finally the time I am ready to complete my immigration video about my dad. This project was from school and it took some time to plan. Even though this project taught me something. I got to have my personal opinion on what images I wanted to include and even decided which music seemed the best for each clip. Know that you get what made me interested. I will reflect on my opinion and what I learned throughout this enthusiastic project.
I will begin with my personal opinion on the video… While beginning to establish my video many things caught my eye. like the amount of pictures there were to be presented and the consistent pace you had to keep to make the video sound good. This all made me feel nervous and worried about my final result. Until I calmed down and got back on track to finish the video. however After some hours of working it wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be. The pictures turned out to be the right time and they all made sense to what was being told. Leading me to feel well and work until I was done with everything. But with three fourths of the video the system crashed at home! Making me have to wait about 30 minutes until wevideo reconnected. After all, it turned out to be just fine. As the project was obtained by the teacher on the correct date.
Second of all, this project has taught me good life lessons and has shown me that a good time has to be dedicated to whatever activity you are doing. It might not be important or guaranteed but if you want to do it well you have to dedicate a lot of time to it. Another life lesson I learned from the project was that for a hard time to be over you have to calm down because getting mad will just make it more frustrating. This project is not only good but amazing. It taught me what is needed for a good project but in all it shows the matter of work for success.
In conclusion, this project is terrific. It has shown me examples of the right thing to do and is a new way to develop your communication levels. I really recommend this project to whoever has communication goals and is willing to make a video voice of themselves. However, the main point is to see if you can learn new things about the person you are interviewing. So go on to have a good time not only interviewing but learning.