

What is happening? Why is my pencil jar shaking? Well it might be a earthquake. Earthquakes are caused by tectonic plate movement that may lead to a fault. A fault is when some part of the world starts to move or shake leading to destruction. The destruction can be severe leading to buildings and bridges collapsing. Where do earthquakes occur most frequently and what do the governments from these countries do to prevent them from causing more destruction? Well in order to answer this question I had to research what causes earthquakes, the worst earthquakes in history,the government’s role when earthquakes happen, safety rules regarding earthquakes, and how to create structures that withstand earthquakes.


Have you ever thought about what an earthquake is and how they are caused? Well earthquakes are a rumble or shift that tectonic plates cause leading to destruction or deaths. However, earthquakes have an epicenter. The epicenter is the center of the earthquake where the magnitude will be the highest. What is magnitude? Magnitude is a calculation used to determine the force or strength of the earthquake. Earthquakes can cause other problems such as landslides, avalanches, soil liquefaction, and tsunamis. The most common cause of earthquakes are when tectonic plates move in several ways. Tectonic plates can cause three types of faults that are normal fault, reverse fault, and strike slip fault. A Normal fault is when the block above the fault has moved downward relative to the block below. A reverse fault is one in which one side of the fault moves up and over the other layer. Finally the strike slip fault;  consists of blocks moving horizontally .Tectonic plates are pieces of land that divide earth’s crust. There are 7 major tectonic plates that are called Antarctica Eurasian, Indo-Australian, North American, African, south American, North American, and Pacific. Tectonic plates are differentiated by type and they are called divergent plates, convergent plates, and transform plates. “The Movement of tectonic plates shifts apart 1.5 centimeters a year,” resulting in tectonic plates to be the main reason why we have earthquakes.


Have you ever wondered about the worst earthquakes and where they occur most frequently? Well earthquakes can be very severe and kill thousands of people. However others can be light. “An example of a strong earthquake is in Chile where they experienced the strongest earthquake in history recording a magnitude of 9.5  and destruction that would cost about half a billion dollars to repair!” “but there was an earthquake in china 1556 that killed about 830,000 people!” There have been hundreds of bad earthquakes but they all happen near the ring of fire. “The ring of fire is a nickname people use for the place where 80% of earthquakes occur.”Magnitude was invented by a famous American physicist called Charles Richter. Charles lived for 85 years but discovered the scale when he was 35. But his scale wasn’t such a good idea so other scientists changed some theories. On the Richter scale, anything below 2, humans cannot feel. Anything higher than 2, we can feel although it might not be very intense.  Finally, above 7, the earthquake is even more intense causing destruction and possible death. After starting the light earthquakes may take only seconds to finish but if strong it might be around for 45 seconds or 1 minute. But have you heard of an earthquake that took 32 years to stop in Indonesia? As you can see earthquakes happen near the ring of fire and they are very destructive. 


 Are earthquakes a big problem for the governments? Yes they are. Governments pay millions of dollars per year to restore all damages earthquakes cause. This isn’t the only problem Because climate change can impact smaller earthquakes however this is impossible to know.” meaning that if the population keeps growing and polluting, small earthquakes will increase.”  This is not the only reason why earthquakes affect governments.such as in turkey and California the government had to increase the taxes to pay all the bills that earthquakes caused! However these taxes did not help in the friendliest way because people started leaving the state and country because they were not satisfied with the idea of paying more.However some people decided to stay because they have no where to go or couldn’t afford to leave.“ this is true because depending on your house it can take a whopping 50 to 800 thousand dollars to repair your home!” although there are other structures and monuments that can be affected. Earthquakes can destroy many things within a community that can cost a lot of money to repair including roads, bridges, monuments and homes.“An example is a wine company,  every company that sells an object has a factory but some factories create fragile objects like a bottle of wine that if destroyed can cause a decrease in product.” As can be seen, earthquakes cause a lot of money to repair but with the help of the government paying everything is possible..” 


What procedures do people need to follow if there is an earthquake? First of all, if in an apartment, be ready to hold onto something. However if not possible never use the elevator because it might jam and stay in place. So instead go directly to the staircase where there will be many people going down. Follow them because when getting to ground stay away from tall structures like buildings and light posts. If not in a building but a house, stay away from the windows and find yourself somewhere you can hold on to. Even though the first thing is to look for somewhere to hold on, never forget to cover your neck with your arms because if something falls over you it won’t hit your neck decreasing the percentages of death. There are other things that can help prepare yourself for an earthquake and a part of it is to know if the country or state you live in are alerted to earthquakes. 


What can make a building withstand earthquakes? As I’ve made clear, earthquakes are clearly very strong. But there are some ways to make buildings withstandable to earthquakes using materials like metal and wood. “After some years of using wood and metal some citizens didn’t think it was  enough so they needed other ways to think instead of only using construction materials. so instead people began to create methods to see if they could help withstand earthquakes.” What are these methods called and what is their effect? Well the first method is to create a flexible foundation. Because if there is a flexible foundation the earthquake wont reach the building  making it harder to collapse. The second method is to counter forces using vibration devices like using pendulum power and pistons. Pendulum power requires big and stretchy metal poles that are located on the four corners of the building and they all hold on to a big circle in the middle that will connect all the stretchy poles.”These pendulums must be very good because they cost approximately 51 million dollars to place!” Although pendulum power costs a lot of money, pistons are cheaper, rounding from 10 to 730 dollars. Pistons are used to calibrate the earthquake’s energy consuming it and and pressuring oil on the force. For the last method they reinforce the building using more metal poles as the building’s structure. The people that create methods and design the building are engineers and architects. Engineers are special mixed to choose materials and design as well as the architect. However the architect has a special job that is to decide which methods suit the best. Even though earthquakes are powerful there are some ways to protect people and structure.


In Conclusion earthquakes are a big disaster that will never stop occurring. But the best people can do is prepare themselves. By learning more about earthquakes, following safety procedures, and by making your home whitstable to earthquakes. So what can we do to build awareness of earthquakes and the potential harm they can cause?

Immigration Video


Have you ever interviewed someone to have a good time or discover something new about this person’s life? Well this is finally the time I am ready to complete my immigration video about my dad. This project was from school and it took some time to plan. Even though this project taught me something. I got to have my personal opinion on what images I wanted to include and even decided which music seemed the best for each clip. Know that you get what made me interested. I will reflect on my opinion and what I learned throughout this enthusiastic project.

I will begin with my personal opinion on the video… While beginning to establish my video many things caught my eye. like the amount of pictures there were to be presented and the consistent pace you had to keep to make the video sound good. This all made me feel nervous and worried about my final result. Until I calmed down and got back on track to finish the video. however After some hours of working it wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be. The pictures turned out to be the right time and they all made sense to what was being told. Leading me to feel well and work until I was done with everything. But with three fourths of the video the system crashed at home! Making me have to wait about 30 minutes until wevideo reconnected. After all, it turned out to be just fine. As the project was obtained by the teacher on the correct date.

Second of all, this project has taught me good life lessons and has shown me that a good  time has to be dedicated to whatever activity you are doing. It might not be important or guaranteed but if you want to do it well you have to dedicate a lot of time to it. Another life lesson I learned from the project was that for a hard time to be over you have to calm down because getting mad will just make it more frustrating. This project is not only good but amazing. It taught me what is needed for a good project but in all it shows the matter of work for success.

In conclusion, this project is terrific. It has shown me examples of the right thing to do and is a new way to develop your communication levels. I really recommend this project to whoever has communication goals and is willing to make a video voice of themselves. However, the main point is to see if you can learn new things about the person you are interviewing. So go on to have a good time not only interviewing but learning.

Immigrant Interview

Have you ever immigrated to a new country or been forced to leave? Well Nicola has. Nicola is a former worker at AB INbev. AB INbev is a beer company that has sent Nicola to live in many places in the world like Mexico, even the USA.So now that you know how Nicola is ,I will talk about my experience while interviewing him about immigration. The interview might have taken a while but preparing the interview and asking the questions were the hardest and these two things will be shared in the next body paragraphs.

Even though preparing my work for the interview was exhausting, the questions were the hardest to come up with. First off, I didn’t know if I should talk about his character changing or about what he thought of living in a new country. After a while I remembered about this school template that had some questions to keep in mind. The questions were not bad so I decided to stick with many. After some more research I had a total of 13 questions permitting me to start interviewing my dad. Knowing that I had enough questions I had to prepare myself for the interview. I first had to locate and find a picture from where he was born and other images of his family all together. Even though the photos were not the hardest to find, I had to do it very carefully. With the questions and the images done it was time for the interview.

The interview was not the hardest to complete; it resisted of asking the questions and then rewriting them. This didn’t seem hard because I knew that Nicola had already talked about this before. Being how I am, I decided to finish it quickly. However I had forgotten that my dad was out for a business trip and would only come back 5 days before the assignment had to be handed back. This made me have a big disadvantage and I started to worry. After a few days of waiting he finally came back with no time to waste. I got right into it. Even though I had said that rewriting didn’t seem to be so hard, after all it wasn’t a problem, it just took a while of dedication and time… Finally after some days of work it was done.

Now that the interview was done we still had to make the video. However this time it would take a lot more effort and work. Meaning that there was no time to waste and the project had to go on!  


Toss a Stone

Have you ever thought of a game on ice that is not hockey or ice skating ? Well there is one it’s called curling. It originated in Scotland. Scotland is a country that experiences very cold weather. But before curling was a sport they thought it was a silly sport that no one would like. But over time people started to enjoy curling so much it started to evolve. What is needed in curling are stones, brooms and a flat shoe. But what really matters was my experience playing curling. So I will advise what was easy and what was hard. I will also talk about the roles and rules of curling.

So let’s begin talking about what was easy and what was hard. Let’s start with the hard things to do. First, I thought  it was very easy to sweep. However through the process it became harder and harder till the point I couldn’t do it any more. The other things that were difficult are. Getting a bullseye. A bullseye is when you get a stone in the little circle in the middle. This gives you two points. now that you know what I thought was difficult. I will tell you what I thought was easy. There are many things. Like releasing the stone was easy because the formation was simple.However if you messed up your whole game could go wrong.

Now I will tell you about the rules and roles of curling. The first rule and the most important rule is that the sweeper can not touch the stone. There is also this other rule that says that no one can sweep the stone behind the tee line. The tee line is a line that spreads through the middle of the target. Now that the rules are clear, what about the roles? The most important role of curling is the lead. The lead is the person that slides the stone on the target. There is one more role that is called the sweeper. Sweepers are persons that sweep ahead of the stone to give it more distance.

After all, curling is a fascinating game, you should all try. Know that we know how good curling is, and we also know all the rules. Don’t hesitate any more, cause the game is on. Go find a friend or a neighbor to play with and have an excellent time.

Feature Article Reflection

Feature article? Oh yes a feature article is a piece of paper that explains  about a subject. Like math or animals. Feature articles can also be larger but they are mostly small , about 3 to 7 pages long. Feature articles also need to be consistent because if not it might confuse  the reader. Now that you know what a feature article is, I’ll tell you about the main subject. I will explain about my problems while making  my feature article.

My feature article is about soccer.However, my subtitles are about how to play, equipment needed, and players behind the story. This will all make sense when I start explaining. We firstly started writing about our knowledge of the theme. They told us to have at least 3 substitutes. Some people decided to write three big paragraphs about their theme while others wrote five paragraphs. While we were in the process of writing I found myself in a big problem! I forgot to talk about positions , so I had to go back and rewrite that paragraph. However, After that big problem we had.The next part was to find the best title and subtitles for our project. I got stressed because I didn’t know what to put. So I came up with an idea of adding a basic title but with good subheadings because then my writing would make better sense.

Designing was a humongous part of my feature article because if not it would look terrible. That’s why most of the time we spent was designing it might look easy. However it takes a lot of time because you have to choose a color, add pictures, decide layout , vocabulary, fun facts, and reread your writing . I chose a light green color because it matches the turf people play soccer on. For my pictures I chose to show a soccer field that explained all about positioning . I added 3 vocabulary showing hard words that are used to describe soccer. Coming up with a fun fact might be hard. However I remembered that the hardest kick ever went 215 kilometers per hour so that was super mega fast .

Writing, designing and rereading was fantastic because this project showed me that anything you practise or want to do needs to be made with courage and passion . because if not it will turn out to be the worst piece of writing ever And no one wants that. So never judge something by its cover .


Feature Article Reflection


Feature article? Oh yes a feature article is a piece of paper that explains  about a subject. Like math or animals. Feature articles can also be larger but they are mostly small , about 3 to 7 pages long. Feature articles also need to be consistent because if not it might confuse  the reader. Now that you know what a feature article is, I’ll tell you about the main subject. I will explain about my problems while making  my feature article.

My feature article is about soccer.However, my subtitles are about how to play, equipment needed, and players behind the story. This will all make sense when I start explaining. We firstly started writing about our knowledge of the theme. They told us to have at least 3 substitutes. Some people decided to write three big paragraphs about their theme while others wrote five paragraphs. While we were in the process of writing I found myself in a big problem! I forgot to talk about positions , so I had to go back and rewrite that paragraph. However, After that big problem we had.The next part was to find the best title and subtitles for our project. I got stressed because I didn’t know what to put. So I came up with an idea of adding a basic title but with good subheadings because then my writing would make better sense.

Designing was a humongous part of my feature article because if not it would look terrible. That’s why most of the time we spent was designing it might look easy. However it takes a lot of time because you have to choose a color, add pictures, decide layout , vocabulary, fun facts, and reread your writing . I chose a light green color because it matches the turf people play soccer on. For my pictures I chose to show a soccer field that explained all about positioning . I added 3 vocabulary showing hard words that are used to describe soccer. Coming up with a fun fact might be hard. However I remembered that the hardest kick ever went 215 kilometers per hour so that was super mega fast .

Writing, designing and rereading was fantastic because this project showed me that anything you practise or want to do needs to be made with courage and passion . because if not it will turn out to be the worst piece of writing ever And no one wants that. So never judge something by its cover .

Rocky Ropes

Thousands of people don’t like heights, but this is bedford ropes. Many go high  and many stay low but at bedford ropes there is every type of course you can think of ! Like rope courses,wire courses and rock climbing. Today I will reflect about what activities I performed, however there were many so I picked my favorite two.

Here are my favorite 2 exercises,lava island , wire walk. Now comes why. Firstly, I really enjoyed the wire walk. It was fantastic because challenging things are for me.The game was , you had to walk across a wire and if you touched a tree it would count as a checkpoint. However if you fall you would go back to the last tree.So you had to have technique cause if not you would fall every single time! At first everyone was falling, tumbling and collapsing ! Until someone rescued the day by touching the first tree . So now we had to make up a new technique . The idea was to make a human wall until we got there and it worked; however, it was still a disaster. secondly lava island this was my favorite of all of them.The game was that there were 3 platforms and you had to cross them however  you also had  a log . But the plank could not touch the floor but  if it did 3 times your whole team had to go back to the first platform. You could not jump or touch the floor! It was easy to discover the technique although the platforms were too little. We barely got it but time ran out. These were the challenges I most enjoyed.

Bedford ropes taught me lot’s of skill but I also learned how to work as a team.Before I thought the leader was the most important of all and that only the leader would decide but I discovered that the team matters too. I also push myself to help but sometimes it seems that I forget about others and just focus on me . like when we were at lava island I got mad cause we were so close to finishing I just wanted to go on until we finished. Sometimes I also think I’m determined . But now I comprehend that I can’t do it by myself, that’s why I have to respect others’ helping me and I have to stop once it is time to.


And these were my favorite activities . I also talked about what I learned however 

Now that you know how Bedford ropes is, go there and have fun because maybe one day I’ll find you. I’ll tell you all about it again and again until you know every single bit.



identity map reflection

Today I’m sharing my identity map!  It will be a fun  adventure to know all about me . My table will show you the most important things about them.

Now I will tell you about me and I hope you pay attention because this is going to be    interesting . Trilingualism is something important to me because my family  is from Brazil and if I didn’t speak Portuguese I could not speak my native language . English is the most used language. Next,I use Spanish to communicate with my teacher from Mexico and friends. Additionally, I really want to learn how to speak Italian .Traveling is a big part of my life because I’ve lived in many places like , two years Brazil / three years NY / five years Mexico City / ? years NY/ I also visited other countries too. And traveling is one of the best things ever…  Family is the biggest part of my life and nothing will take it out of 1 place ever and never . This is why I am here and nothing in this world will take them from me.I also learned about my table mates and some friends

 Andrew is a football player or you could call it soccer. Andrew and I play on the same team. But Andrew play’s striker and I play defense or midfielder.  We also play football at school too with all the other kids involved and sometimes we play cool games too. Juan also play football but another thing we have in common is that the both of us talk spanish . and andrew too however  Juan is from Spain but I learned spanish in MexicoAnd we are all in the same table so when Juan needs help with something me and andrew can help and when Juan does not understand something we could help to Zoe loves Harry potter but I like it too! Yet she enjoys the book, and I like the movies . I told her that some days ago I went to the theater to see harry potter and it was amazing although  I only remember a bit of it but it was still good. 

Lastly, it has been a shocking table but every month we change, so now I am at a new table.although I still have one person at my new table !

Best Halloween ever

Have you ever wanted a lot of candy, I guess you have cause if not you’re in a different world. But today I will only talk about Halloween and about all the amazing experiences I’ve had. Halloween is one of the biggest traditions in the world ! However, in other countries they don’t celebrate Halloween. But today I will reflect on my Halloween experience in school and with my family .

Now I will talk about my Halloween experience at school . Firstly the party was spectacular; they had divided it into two sections one was for playing and the second one was for dancing although the playing area was 1000 times better. I divided my time for both.At the play area they had gaga , foosball and american- football . However we would play other games like soccer. The dancing area was full of girls so the boys spent more time at the playing area although they didn’t stop us from getting inside. There was this time when I was at the dancing  area everyone had light so me and a friend picked some from the floor but we wanted more and more. The lights were just so cool . They also had a lot of candy and a guessing game that I put 71 but it was 70 so sad.Second of all the parade . At the parade we would put on a costume and adults would stand outside and take some pictures . I went dressed like a pizza although it makes sense cause my last name is pizza . My favorite food is also pizza.

Trick or treating comes next . At first I was putting the candy outside until someone showed up at the door. I thought it was a trick or treat but it was just the amazon guy . After that I went to a friend’s house to start trick or treating because their road was closed . We also played a game that if you got the most candy you would win 10 treats of your choice from a friend . There was this time when this guy told us to grab as much candy as we wanted but I didn’t want to be mean so I grabbed a handful of candy . But I put some back . I also saw other friends along the way and met new people too .It was an excellent experience and the school party was spectacular .

This Halloween was amazing. I met new people, saw friends along the way and I also enjoyed the party we had at school. How was your Halloween and did you make new friends? I hope you did and next time come along and join me. We will have a lot of fun . However, don’t forget to bring the best costume ever . 


Home Of The Brave Reflection

In the story Home of the Brave By Katherine applicate . we are learning about what it is to be a refugee as well as live without your family. Today I will discuss how the story Home of the Brave reflects our lives and about our thoughts. So let’s Jump right to it.

These are some examples I have to share with you about home of the brave.  Firstly, Kek is the main character of  this story and we will talk about what has happened to him. Living in a refugee camp should be very hard because  it means that your own country is in danger. However there is more to it like you are going to learn a new language because you are moving from your home. It is challenging to experience new life in other countries too. So if there is war you may have lost someone from your family.that’s what we are going to talk about on the other paragraf .  

Secondly, having no real family member is extremely hard. Two were killed and one went missing. However he’s living with his aunt and cousin . His cousin ganwar is a teenager. He is very grumpy however he also lost his arm. His aunt works all day and can’t take care of him. Kek also got a job by taking care of a cow in his free time to buy new dishes for his aunt. He is new to school cause in Africa it was very different and they would mostly just take care of cows.

Home of the brave is a great story. You should read it, however this story is going to teach you lots of stuff so make sure to take notes and pay attention . Cause this is going to be interesting .