Rocky Ropes

Thousands of people don’t like heights, but this is bedford ropes. Many go high  and many stay low but at bedford ropes there is every type of course you can think of ! Like rope courses,wire courses and rock climbing. Today I will reflect about what activities I performed, however there were many so I picked my favorite two.

Here are my favorite 2 exercises,lava island , wire walk. Now comes why. Firstly, I really enjoyed the wire walk. It was fantastic because challenging things are for me.The game was , you had to walk across a wire and if you touched a tree it would count as a checkpoint. However if you fall you would go back to the last tree.So you had to have technique cause if not you would fall every single time! At first everyone was falling, tumbling and collapsing ! Until someone rescued the day by touching the first tree . So now we had to make up a new technique . The idea was to make a human wall until we got there and it worked; however, it was still a disaster. secondly lava island this was my favorite of all of them.The game was that there were 3 platforms and you had to cross them however  you also had  a log . But the plank could not touch the floor but  if it did 3 times your whole team had to go back to the first platform. You could not jump or touch the floor! It was easy to discover the technique although the platforms were too little. We barely got it but time ran out. These were the challenges I most enjoyed.

Bedford ropes taught me lot’s of skill but I also learned how to work as a team.Before I thought the leader was the most important of all and that only the leader would decide but I discovered that the team matters too. I also push myself to help but sometimes it seems that I forget about others and just focus on me . like when we were at lava island I got mad cause we were so close to finishing I just wanted to go on until we finished. Sometimes I also think I’m determined . But now I comprehend that I can’t do it by myself, that’s why I have to respect others’ helping me and I have to stop once it is time to.


And these were my favorite activities . I also talked about what I learned however 

Now that you know how Bedford ropes is, go there and have fun because maybe one day I’ll find you. I’ll tell you all about it again and again until you know every single bit.