Feature Article Reflection

Feature article? Oh yes a feature article is a piece of paper that explains  about a subject. Like math or animals. Feature articles can also be larger but they are mostly small , about 3 to 7 pages long. Feature articles also need to be consistent because if not it might confuse  the reader. Now that you know what a feature article is, I’ll tell you about the main subject. I will explain about my problems while making  my feature article.

My feature article is about soccer.However, my subtitles are about how to play, equipment needed, and players behind the story. This will all make sense when I start explaining. We firstly started writing about our knowledge of the theme. They told us to have at least 3 substitutes. Some people decided to write three big paragraphs about their theme while others wrote five paragraphs. While we were in the process of writing I found myself in a big problem! I forgot to talk about positions , so I had to go back and rewrite that paragraph. However, After that big problem we had.The next part was to find the best title and subtitles for our project. I got stressed because I didn’t know what to put. So I came up with an idea of adding a basic title but with good subheadings because then my writing would make better sense.

Designing was a humongous part of my feature article because if not it would look terrible. That’s why most of the time we spent was designing it might look easy. However it takes a lot of time because you have to choose a color, add pictures, decide layout , vocabulary, fun facts, and reread your writing . I chose a light green color because it matches the turf people play soccer on. For my pictures I chose to show a soccer field that explained all about positioning . I added 3 vocabulary showing hard words that are used to describe soccer. Coming up with a fun fact might be hard. However I remembered that the hardest kick ever went 215 kilometers per hour so that was super mega fast .

Writing, designing and rereading was fantastic because this project showed me that anything you practise or want to do needs to be made with courage and passion . because if not it will turn out to be the worst piece of writing ever And no one wants that. So never judge something by its cover .