Board of Legislators Reflection

Did you know that the Board of Legislators was made around the year 1700! That’s over 300 years ago! The crazy thing is that’s only one reason I thought that this was awesome. I also didn’t realize how big and fancy the Board of Legislators was and how many cool rooms they have there! I loved it. After you read this, I’ll assure you, you will agree with me.

Recently I went to the Board of Legislators. What I loved the most is that we got to speak into the microphone. I loved it because when I talked into it, it sounded so loud and weird. Luckley that happened to everyone so I didn’t sound so awkward. But that was only one of the cool things that happened! The second cool thing that happened was the mock meeting in the committee room. It was cool because I felt like an important person when I sat in the thair that the legislatures sit in. Another reason is because after the mock meeting almost everyone (including me) asked to grab a mint and everyone that did, got one.

There were some really cool and surprising things that I learned about on the trip. One of the most interesting things that happened was during the trip I learned what it actually looked like to be in a (mock) meeting about school uniforms and if kids should wear them, I never in a million years thought it would be a (small) room where visitors could watch! Also, I never knew that there were 17 districts in scarsdale! I always thought there were two or three because four schools (including mine) only took up one district. Last but not least, I thought that since this place had been here since 1700 or somewhere around then, I definitely thought the first legislator was dead by now. Apparently the first ever legislator is turning 100 sometime this year! To me, that’s impressive.

As you can see, I recommend this place to anyone that wants to have fun and learn but to also see what it actually looks like to help them understand. Imagine what it would be like to actually be a legislator. How much different would it feel than going there as a visitor or guest?

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