My two Favorite Specials

Did you know that 450 million people in the world play basketball? And did you know that art was an Olympic event? I mentioned basketball because it is my favorite part of PE. In this blog, I talk about my 2 favorite specials Art and PE. Also what I did in those specials.  I think art is the best special. Here is what I enjoyed in art and what I learned in art . I think art is the best because you are allowed to draw whatever you want and Mr. Bentley is really nice and never yells. I also like art because their projects are fun and if they are hard Mr. Bently will help. A project that was fun was the project where I made a super bowl poster and I had the chiefs and the 49ers . In art I learned how to draw and make a blank piece of l into colorful paper. My favorite project is the one where you draw a logo. I like drawing logos. I drew the Michigan college football team logo and the Ohio college football team logo and then I colored it and I liked it.  Another special that I like is PE. Here is some stuff that I enjoyed in PE and what I learned in PE. PE is fun but there are some units they I don’t like and good units like football and basketball but bad ones are jump roping and yoga. If it is a good unit then I like PE but if it is a bad unit I don’t like it because the other things I do in PE are stuff that I don’t like and I don’t want to do them.    learn in PE to keep stamina because every time in the beginning of PE we jog for 3 minutes so it teaches us to keep stamina. I enjoy the Basketball and football unit because they are 2 of my favorite sports and you do a contest at the end of each unit for the basketball and football unit and the games are really fun.  In conclusion I talked about my 2 favorite specials and what I learned and what I enjoyed. Have you ever done PE or art? 




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