

Everyone has felt pressure in their life but the worst type of pressure is when you put it on yourself. What I find most challenging is sports and academics.

 For example, when you play a sport like I do you get pressure on yourself. An example is once I was playing flag football and I was the QB (QuarterBack) of my team and all the players rely on you. In the first playoff game I was the starter and the first drive was so pressuring because I didn’t want to throw a pick because I didn’t want to let my team down. So I took some breaths and I got on the field. I feel a lot of pressure when throwing a touchdown because I have to go the whole field without throwing bad passes or picks. Another rule is you get sacked in 4 seconds so you have to throw the ball in 4 seconds or it is a loss of down. That’s not a lot of time! I threw a touchdown!

Another example is once I had a math test and I put so much pressure on myself and I was sweating. I thought I was going to mess up and get a question wrong. And it was really bad because I thought I had to get every single question right, but I should’ve thought that there is no pressure and just do it. However, I got pressured and I got some things wrong. 

I realize that people should try to not feel pressure because it could affect how you play a sport or in academics. That’s why pressure is challenging.

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